Message from @PRKR

Discord ID: 612133870657208333

2019-08-17 03:56:21 UTC  


2019-08-17 03:56:37 UTC  

we really need a way to weed out effeminate men

2019-08-17 03:57:14 UTC  

people that don't take advantage of such a program nor make an effort to maintain competitive job/trade skills should not be able to vote

2019-08-17 03:57:31 UTC  

libtards out

2019-08-17 03:57:59 UTC  

i think as long as you meet a service requirement you should be able to vote

2019-08-17 03:58:02 UTC  

the trade skills of the future will be jobs such as robotics design repair and maintenance

2019-08-17 03:58:08 UTC  


2019-08-17 03:58:16 UTC  

the trade skill of the future is servicing my penis

2019-08-17 03:58:20 UTC  

how much have you been around the trades

2019-08-17 03:58:31 UTC  

i work for a living

2019-08-17 03:58:38 UTC  

doing what

2019-08-17 03:58:47 UTC  

trading (?????)

2019-08-17 03:58:49 UTC  

fuck off boomer

2019-08-17 03:59:08 UTC  

what do you do

2019-08-17 03:59:19 UTC  


2019-08-17 04:00:42 UTC  

i think that instead of focusing on jobs we need to focus on returning the general populace to sustenance farming

2019-08-17 04:00:52 UTC  

alright so you're retarded

2019-08-17 04:01:00 UTC  


2019-08-17 04:01:14 UTC  

head on over to Townsends youtube channel

2019-08-17 04:01:19 UTC  

i'm talking communal gardens n shit

2019-08-17 04:01:27 UTC  

modern agriculture

2019-08-17 04:01:31 UTC  

not trad shit

2019-08-17 04:01:36 UTC  

you can't beat economy of scale

2019-08-17 04:01:50 UTC  

ok hear me out

2019-08-17 04:02:43 UTC  

if we can figure out a way for the average household living on less than an acre to supply it's own food we reduce the effects of a lot of the problems we're worried about

2019-08-17 04:02:58 UTC  

we no longer have to worry about creating enough jobs for everyone

2019-08-17 04:03:06 UTC  

it's more feasible to figure out how the average household can supply their own energy needs

2019-08-17 04:03:56 UTC  

hey instead of farming for sustenance why not farm cum out of my balls through my butthole

2019-08-17 04:04:19 UTC  

i think the average household can supply it's basic nutritional requirements with an aqauponics system, other more pleasure foods can be sourced from farms

2019-08-17 04:04:24 UTC  

why didnt slave owners farm and sell titty milk?

2019-08-17 04:04:26 UTC  

people need the skills to build and maintain modern homes that can supply their own energy

2019-08-17 04:04:42 UTC  

food production is not a real issue

2019-08-17 04:05:17 UTC  

eventually post-automation the only work left will be design and energy production

2019-08-17 04:05:20 UTC  

i should clarify i think the solution to our problems is self suffeciency

2019-08-17 04:05:38 UTC  

as we became less self suffecient our problems started piling on

2019-08-17 04:05:50 UTC  

like just think about the past 70 years

2019-08-17 04:06:28 UTC  

i also feel like automation is a meme

2019-08-17 04:06:46 UTC  

automation is inevitable

2019-08-17 04:08:00 UTC  

well yeah but i don't think it's as big of a problem as people make it out to be

2019-08-17 04:08:02 UTC  

self-replication drones WILL be realized and at that point the only things left to do will be to design them and produce energy to operate them

2019-08-17 04:08:29 UTC  

i don't think we'll get to that point to be honest