Message from @pd

Discord ID: 639559794558107649

2019-10-31 20:16:14 UTC  

epstein also rush-shipped a concrete mixer to his island i wouldn't put it past him to have torched all computer systems that would contain evidence

2019-10-31 20:16:23 UTC  

for sure

2019-10-31 20:16:43 UTC  

but once people caught on to the scent, it blew up immediately

2019-10-31 20:17:11 UTC  

the satanic child molestation shit is more of an open secret than a deeply embedded conspiracy

2019-10-31 20:17:27 UTC  

people ran with their wild theories and half-cocked ideas about how it went down and i have a feeling that certain things were put into place as false-leads

2019-10-31 20:17:30 UTC  

you guys sound tired

2019-10-31 20:17:58 UTC  

Is it just me

2019-10-31 20:18:02 UTC  

Or is it getting crazier out there

2019-10-31 20:18:13 UTC  

things are... tense

2019-10-31 20:19:09 UTC  

epstein, clintons, etc dont get away with this stuff because its secret

2019-10-31 20:19:18 UTC  

they get away with it because theyre powerful

2019-10-31 20:19:37 UTC  

everyone has known bill clinton is a predator for decades

2019-10-31 20:19:40 UTC

2019-10-31 20:19:40 UTC  

me atm

2019-10-31 20:19:52 UTC  

pretty bad so far

2019-10-31 20:19:59 UTC  

nothing is done about it because hes way too big to take down

2019-10-31 20:20:11 UTC  

i hope somebody in the cia or fbi reading this right now has the nuts to make the world a better place worth living in and leak some shit

2019-10-31 20:20:30 UTC  


2019-10-31 20:20:48 UTC  

imagine being a glower and actually defending these pieces of shit

2019-10-31 20:21:20 UTC  

what... guys enough of the crazy conspiracy theories! lets just forget about this and play some wow classic... come on guys we need to go get some gold

2019-10-31 20:22:17 UTC  

im definitely open to the idea of pg being sound, i just havent seen any decent evidence

2019-10-31 20:22:26 UTC  

maybe i havent looked into it enough

2019-10-31 20:23:30 UTC  

pizzagate is a limited hangout

2019-10-31 20:23:48 UTC  

why worry about the specific details of "this or that elite fucked a kid in this or that place"

2019-10-31 20:23:50 UTC  

we know what they're doing

2019-10-31 20:23:55 UTC  

My cock is 5 and a half inches

2019-10-31 20:25:30 UTC  

the problem is getting people to come forward

2019-10-31 20:25:34 UTC  

the main purpose of the international elite pedophile ring is to maintain mutual blackmail on each other

2019-10-31 20:25:38 UTC  

like we all know dan schneider fucks kids

2019-10-31 20:25:50 UTC  

but nobody thats been abused comes forward

2019-10-31 20:25:59 UTC  

if you say anything about me i'm going to dump everything on you

2019-10-31 20:26:08 UTC  

and vice versa

2019-10-31 20:27:02 UTC  

but that doesnt apply to the abused

2019-10-31 20:28:38 UTC  

a bit of the ol' psychological trauma and MKULTRA mindfucking and the kids keep quiet

2019-10-31 20:28:42 UTC  

100k kids go missing every year

2019-10-31 20:28:46 UTC  

in america

2019-10-31 20:29:15 UTC  

Why would they release victims into the public

2019-10-31 20:29:28 UTC  


2019-10-31 20:29:35 UTC  

i get the idea of killing them so they dont talk

2019-10-31 20:29:41 UTC  

use and abuse then chuck

2019-10-31 20:29:41 UTC  
