Message from @Gob

Discord ID: 674737427931332609

2020-02-05 21:23:44 UTC  

[Today 07:13 AM] Thomas777: America is an autistic faggot perched on a custom chopper made out of legos with a gay nigger riding on the back destroying everything in its path while spraying body glitter, anal lube, AIDS blood, and vomit in all directions

2020-02-05 21:24:10 UTC  

All of which is constitutional

2020-02-05 21:24:15 UTC  

might I remind you

2020-02-05 21:27:36 UTC  

@Gob this forum is ultra dope

2020-02-05 21:27:37 UTC  

The ''Dark Enlightenment'' and assorted other hokey bullshit (''PUA Game'', ''mens rights'', ''race realism'') is what happens when people who until the advent of social media - and/or alternatively meme factory sites/forums that appeal to nerds like 4Chan - were basically exclusively plugged into television and mainstream print media and news and entertainment sources as their conduits for information and/or recreation. At some point, these demographics - lower middle class guys who work at ShitTech in Muncie Indiana, goofy bored college kids who waste their dads' money fucking off online during class, random proles who never really spent time online until high speed internet became cheap and basically universally available, etc. - came across stuff like A. Wyatt Mann cartoons, ANSWER ME magazine rape issue scans, Boyd Rice screeds he'd read aloud with comical earnestness on Wally George, obscure 1970s futurist stuff on eugenics, and they decided it was some kind of cool and ironic brand new thing they could incorporate into their online role-playing persona. Because to these people, the internet is one part television you can talk to, one part World of Warcraft type game where during the workday you pretend to be a character and suggest and claim all kinds of (in their minds) outlandish things.

2020-02-05 21:27:45 UTC  

I saw this happen in real time. In 1997 you'd get on the internet because you were part of a subculture that mainstream/System loyal type people didn't like. Maybe you were a bodybuilder who used anabolic steroids and your only source of info on drugs and drug interactions was morons at your local gym. Maybe you were a WN who was a Klanner or patched member of Metzger's W.A.R. and you wanted to try (in vain) to take your nascent gang or ''movement'' national by connecting with other WNs across the country. Maybe you were into weird sex stuff and were keen to womanizing beyond the age when its semi-normal. Maybe you were devoutly religious and had a hard time finding people who'd be interested in discussing esoteric theologies with you. This was the ''shell'' or skeleton if you will of internet boards pre-social media and pre-internet usage boom - and its dusty bones remained and were discovered by the new type of internet user (i.e. John and Jane Q. Public).

2020-02-05 21:27:51 UTC  

So what happened when the new users discovered old bones? They decided to incorporate it into their roleplay. Thus, forums like ''My Posting Career'' and ''AutoAdmit'' emerged - forums where guys pretend to be bodybuilders who do tons of cocaine who hate niggers and follow Russian Orthodoxy and pine for the re-emergence of '"Fascism''. Or blogs like the one maintained by ''Roissy'' where frustrated individuals pretend to be these compulsive womanizers who are banging rich girls in the ass as part of some corny revenge fantasy couched in the language of issues of 1970s Penthouse Letters.

2020-02-05 21:32:51 UTC  

@CSPAN cool

2020-02-05 21:50:09 UTC  

What the fuck. It literally just registered in my mind for the first time that Beyonce and Rihanna are 2 different people.

2020-02-05 22:02:44 UTC  

rihanna is the one with the big forehead

2020-02-05 22:02:50 UTC  

@CSPAN salo forum is apparently hi qualitee forum

2020-02-05 22:02:55 UTC  

beyonce is the whore

2020-02-05 22:03:03 UTC  

didn't appeal to me, don't care about kulture war

2020-02-05 22:03:13 UTC

2020-02-05 22:03:48 UTC  

big brain

2020-02-05 22:04:57 UTC  

the truth about the world is that anything is possible

2020-02-05 22:05:04 UTC  


2020-02-05 22:05:23 UTC  

Blood Meridian is good book

2020-02-05 22:05:32 UTC  

almost done

2020-02-05 22:05:38 UTC  

@here poast ur current read

2020-02-05 22:17:09 UTC  

I know who Rihanna is

2020-02-05 22:34:05 UTC  

dayum dat bitch want da dee >:(

2020-02-05 22:34:47 UTC  

imma slap that forehead silly with *the dickh*

2020-02-05 23:12:33 UTC  

@CSPAN idk what that wall of text is but it’s cool

2020-02-05 23:12:57 UTC  

if that's a wall of text to you i got bad news bud

2020-02-05 23:24:39 UTC

2020-02-05 23:27:43 UTC  


2020-02-05 23:45:25 UTC  

I dont know how to read

2020-02-05 23:46:01 UTC  

When I ordered the molten chocolate lava cake, the LAST thing I expected was for it to ACTUALLY be the temperature of magma generated& expelled from below earths crust! Burned my mouth! Let it cool but it hardened to igneous rock& broke my teeth! Also our waiter was a spic. 0/10!

2020-02-05 23:50:50 UTC  

<@!674754792219869203> what's up fed

2020-02-06 00:02:23 UTC

2020-02-06 00:02:27 UTC  

eat good, Kings

2020-02-06 00:04:20 UTC  

this is Humiliating.

2020-02-06 00:19:48 UTC  

has anybody here used bone conduction headphones

2020-02-06 00:22:00 UTC

2020-02-06 00:27:09 UTC  

@ChromeYe ummm........yummy........