Message from @Murenu

Discord ID: 675448040013824050

2020-02-07 19:50:37 UTC  

Im going to squeeze off my cum hole

2020-02-07 20:03:17 UTC  

love you maxim

2020-02-07 20:05:12 UTC  

love you AHP

2020-02-07 20:15:04 UTC  

room get

2020-02-07 20:34:17 UTC

2020-02-07 20:35:59 UTC

2020-02-07 20:38:05 UTC

2020-02-07 20:40:04 UTC

2020-02-07 20:50:57 UTC  

You boys are having too much fun in class. We're going to watch sissy hypnosis porn now!

2020-02-07 20:51:56 UTC  


2020-02-07 20:57:08 UTC  


2020-02-07 20:57:19 UTC  


2020-02-07 20:59:04 UTC  
2020-02-07 20:59:06 UTC  

Check this out!

2020-02-07 21:03:39 UTC

2020-02-07 21:05:27 UTC  


2020-02-07 21:05:51 UTC

2020-02-07 21:06:02 UTC  

Me in the camo

2020-02-07 21:09:46 UTC  


2020-02-07 21:42:37 UTC  
2020-02-07 21:42:42 UTC  

it went well

2020-02-07 22:15:48 UTC

2020-02-07 22:33:16 UTC  

that's terrible alright

2020-02-07 23:15:58 UTC  

me? i've got a healthy sense of worth, who's asking?

2020-02-07 23:17:00 UTC  

set tabstop=2 " The width of a TAB is set to 4.
" Still it is a \t. It is just that
" Vim will interpret it to be having
" a width of 4.
set softtabstop=2 " Editing tab length
set autoindent
set smartindent
set shiftwidth=2 " Indents will have a width of 4
" set cursorline " highlights current line
set expandtab " Expand TABs to spaces"
set invnumber
set number
" set relativenumber Adds numbers to sides"
set wildmenu " command autocomplete
set showmatch " shows matching braces
set incsearch " search as characters are entered"
set hlsearch " highlight matches"

" turn off search highlight
" nnoremap <leader><space> :nohlsearch<CR>

" Navigate lines visually
nnoremap j gj
nnoremap k gk
" nnoremap D
" nnoremap C l
nnoremap <ESC>[1;5D <C-Left>
nnoremap <ESC>[1;5C <C-Right>
nnoremap <ESC>[1;5A <C-U>
nnoremap <ESC>[1;5B <C-D>
nnoremap <ESC>[A gj
nnoremap <ESC>[B gk

" colorscheme elflord
colorscheme ron
" colorscheme murphy

" colorscheme badwolf
syntax enable

2020-02-07 23:17:03 UTC  

here's my vim config

2020-02-07 23:17:19 UTC  

if you want my tmux config i can provide that as well

2020-02-07 23:17:26 UTC  

my bashrc? off limits. special request.

2020-02-07 23:44:06 UTC  

is that how you make your food look so bad? you run linux?

2020-02-08 00:03:09 UTC  

gobs brain runs on windows ME

2020-02-08 00:04:19 UTC  

i hereby remove my haz mat suit

2020-02-08 00:04:36 UTC  

the coronavirus is over

2020-02-08 00:05:22 UTC  

corona virus cancelled boys

2020-02-08 00:32:29 UTC

2020-02-08 00:32:39 UTC

2020-02-08 00:32:40 UTC  

Checkout mah new ride.