Message from @galesteppes

Discord ID: 511789582250016771

2018-11-09 08:33:07 UTC  

but I couldn't get the database shit working in the cloud and then I forgot about it

2018-11-09 16:32:01 UTC  

Not really. I tend to lean more gith if anything but not really set on any.

2018-11-10 20:37:38 UTC  

Dragons breath is my new favorite spell

2018-11-10 20:37:45 UTC  

Killed 6 orcs at the same time

2018-11-10 20:48:26 UTC  


2018-11-10 20:52:09 UTC  

what game?

2018-11-10 20:52:16 UTC  

is that dragonborn in 5e?

2018-11-10 21:11:21 UTC  

it's a spell in 5e

2018-11-10 21:11:27 UTC  

from xanathars guide

2018-11-10 21:11:35 UTC  

3d6 damage and it's a level 3 spell

2018-11-11 07:05:00 UTC  

Yea but it is a concentration spell, and takes an action to cast so you cant use it till next turn and iirc takes ab action to activate.

2018-11-11 07:06:34 UTC  

Yea it takes an action.

2018-11-11 12:40:16 UTC  

those sound like some weak ass orcs

2018-11-11 12:41:56 UTC  

i had this problem in the dnd game I'm in, i assumed that the orc we encountered was going to rip us apart if we engaged in combat so i convinced him to go away with some gold

2018-11-11 12:42:25 UTC  

because in my homebrew an orc would annihilate 6 level 1 characters

2018-11-11 12:42:52 UTC  

but the dm said later that orcs in dnd are pansies

2018-11-11 17:15:28 UTC  

Yeah They’re REALLY weak

2018-11-11 17:15:47 UTC  

13 damage (no one dogded) and everyone died

2018-11-11 17:16:31 UTC  

I just put the spell on my friend, and he uses it. And I stay back so I don’t take damage and loose concentration over the spell.

2018-11-13 06:26:23 UTC  

Yea orcs tho stronger than goblins and kobolds are actually weaker than hobgoblins mechanically. However if you go into how they should be played and lore then they can be a challenge (same with kobolds and goblins) but still they are all tier 1 creatures

2018-11-13 06:29:04 UTC  

kobolds are the embodiment of "Kick me"

2018-11-13 06:29:17 UTC  

their racial mods are complete and utter ass

2018-11-13 06:29:43 UTC  

```Kobolds are fast but weak. They gain +2 Dexterity, –4 Strength, and –2 Constitution.

2018-11-13 07:10:58 UTC  

Except when you use them correctly. Hit and run gorrilla warfar. Their trap skills are nearly unequalled

2018-11-13 07:11:38 UTC  

To enter a kobold lair is to expect a long drawn out engagement that the lair is likely to kill you on the way.

2018-11-13 07:12:12 UTC  

But to many dms just throw them at you as a swarm monster which they arnt meant for

2018-11-14 14:36:50 UTC  

Put them behind a wall of pet monsters like spiders or stuff and then let them launch arrows, javelins and spells at the PCs, and as mentioned abve, do it ambush style. Can get very nasty very fast for PCs

2018-11-14 14:40:44 UTC  

They are weak in melee, but that does not mean they don't have friends that can swing a serious punch

2018-11-14 14:43:29 UTC  

In an adventure i played there were kobold equivalent creatures attacking the players. They threw rocks and boulders at them from 30 ft above while the PCs were in a caravan moving along a small road alongside a cliff. In open battle the PCs would have just killed them easily, but in thi situation those little critters were really really dangerous foes.

2018-11-14 17:16:26 UTC  

Yep. The issue is most dms just go "5 kobolds appear". With nothing more.

2018-11-14 17:18:52 UTC  

Tbh i feel things like that cause the lack of dungeon delve rp that was so prevelent in 2e. And the fact that past lvl 6 in 3.0/3.5 and lvl 3 in 5e you are basically unstoppable in tier 1 and that edge never stops.

2018-11-14 20:17:34 UTC  

one of the players in my game dropped out :(

2018-11-14 20:17:49 UTC  


2018-11-14 20:31:31 UTC  

The server has a table going??

2018-11-14 20:32:08 UTC  


2018-11-14 20:54:44 UTC  


2018-11-14 20:54:47 UTC  

well maybe

2018-11-14 20:55:03 UTC  

but idk it

2018-11-14 21:27:36 UTC  

@turtwig what game are you running

2018-11-15 07:24:24 UTC  

kingmaker and we're pretty much at the end lol

2018-11-15 07:30:04 UTC  

like the actual AP?