Message from @turtwig

Discord ID: 526333299908673556

2018-12-22 17:45:10 UTC  

sounds op

2018-12-22 17:50:59 UTC  

Yea lets just extend spell cure wounds making it a 30ft range spell.

2018-12-22 17:55:48 UTC  

Or twin it

2018-12-22 17:59:55 UTC  

Effective short of turning they made a sorcerer a better cleric than a cleric....

2018-12-22 22:11:04 UTC  

lol we have a rule at our table

2018-12-22 22:11:20 UTC  

what are yer house rules

2018-12-22 22:11:21 UTC  

if you roll nat 20, confirm with a nat 20

2018-12-22 22:11:37 UTC  

then if you roll a third nat 20

2018-12-22 22:11:42 UTC  

the enemy is straight up dead

2018-12-22 22:12:31 UTC  

it's happened twice in 50 sessions

2018-12-23 06:59:53 UTC  

Ah good ol crit confirms. Damn you 5e!

2018-12-23 07:01:04 UTC  

My tables have always had the 3 crit fails on a row and you die.

2018-12-23 07:01:12 UTC  

Happened only ever once

2018-12-23 08:44:23 UTC  

we don't have that but GM also gets to use the 3x20 against us

2018-12-23 08:44:36 UTC  

not happened yet tho

2018-12-23 09:08:32 UTC  

@turtwig where's yer list of house rules

2018-12-23 09:09:06 UTC  

that's mostly it

2018-12-23 09:09:35 UTC  
2018-12-23 09:09:54 UTC  

and worn armour doesn't contribute to encumbrance

2018-12-23 09:40:37 UTC  

oh also we're mostly ignoring coin weight because like

2018-12-23 09:40:49 UTC  

I've got like 100,000 gold

2018-12-23 10:40:23 UTC  


2018-12-23 10:40:45 UTC  

buy up a plot of land and start getting richer

2018-12-23 10:56:29 UTC  

we have a whole kingdom lol

2018-12-23 10:56:39 UTC  

this is just personal wealth

2018-12-23 10:58:11 UTC  

start making golems

2018-12-23 10:58:19 UTC  

adamantine golems <:GWcorbinTopKek:384871333705678868>

2018-12-23 10:58:30 UTC  

make them of gold just to spite your enemies 😛

2018-12-23 10:58:54 UTC  

make them adamantine and an ac 19 or smt <:GWcorbinTopKek:384871333705678868>

2018-12-23 11:07:35 UTC  

our city guard is golems

2018-12-23 11:07:38 UTC  

or constructs

2018-12-23 11:07:41 UTC  

I don't remember

2018-12-23 11:08:12 UTC  

also we installed pneumatic legs on the bottom of our city and our entire city is technically a construct

2018-12-23 11:08:25 UTC  

when it's complete our city will be able to walk

2018-12-23 11:08:35 UTC  

and access to the city is by static portals

2018-12-23 11:11:04 UTC  

Very cool

2018-12-23 11:11:27 UTC  

At this point, what do your characters even fight?

2018-12-23 11:11:33 UTC  

5 krakens at the same time?

2018-12-23 11:13:29 UTC  

most recently like 15 castle guards at once, a bunch of black puddings, we're about to fight some kind of sea monster

2018-12-23 11:13:33 UTC  

but I don't think it's a kraken