Message from @Angus

Discord ID: 540996799754797080

2019-02-01 19:22:51 UTC  

Yeah. Lawful evil It’ll be!

2019-02-01 19:23:03 UTC  

and They’re gonna *hate* fiends.

2019-02-01 19:23:17 UTC  

with a passion

2019-02-01 19:23:39 UTC  

So egyptian-muslim empire done Then.

2019-02-01 19:23:56 UTC  

Do I make them believe in multiple gods, or one?

2019-02-01 19:24:18 UTC  

Give them Hindu style gods

2019-02-01 19:24:23 UTC  

just to fuck with them even more

2019-02-01 19:24:28 UTC  


2019-02-01 19:24:31 UTC  


2019-02-01 19:24:48 UTC  

I’m thinking, one god like Anubis, and some fire god inspired thing that I’ll call Ignis.

2019-02-01 19:24:59 UTC  

And a god of the desert

2019-02-01 19:25:07 UTC  

And one of undeath

2019-02-01 19:25:21 UTC  

And one for life

2019-02-01 19:25:30 UTC  

The holy pentagram

2019-02-01 19:25:37 UTC  

<:GWcorbinTopKek:384871333705678868> <:GWcorbinTopKek:384871333705678868>

2019-02-01 19:34:23 UTC  

So pyromantic necromantic religious society of Humans, Satyrs, dragons, kobolt worker class, and medusas. Egyptian-arabic muslim style. Thats what I’ve got so far.

2019-02-01 19:40:58 UTC  

Dragons will be seen as great and respected class of warriors and nobles. They Will Never be the leader though, But they are content with that. Medusas are humans transformed by the gods, they are the high preists and the higher clerics of the society, greatly respected. Satyrs and humans are the third class. Some are Nobels and merchants, and are usually the necromancers. The head ruler is a human on his way to undeath, he’s loved by all in the empire. And the last one, the kobolts. They are the workers and backbonr of the empire. They are the miners, lumberjackers, etc. they are the most loyal to the caliph and the dragons, even though they have the least benifits.

2019-02-01 19:41:01 UTC  


2019-02-01 20:47:34 UTC  


2019-02-01 20:48:07 UTC

2019-02-01 20:48:08 UTC  

next scene is coming along nicely

2019-02-01 20:48:18 UTC  

just need one of my dudes to voice a screaming crazy necromancer

2019-02-01 20:48:46 UTC  

@Ondsinet my autism is showing <:GWcorbinTopKek:384871333705678868>

2019-02-01 20:50:16 UTC  


2019-02-02 01:11:33 UTC

2019-02-02 01:11:49 UTC  

@galesteppes @meratrix @Angus What do you guys think for the time being?

2019-02-02 01:12:15 UTC  

Some details still need to be added

2019-02-02 01:25:41 UTC  

@MountainMan very nice inkarnate

2019-02-02 01:25:57 UTC  


2019-02-02 01:26:34 UTC  

@MountainMan how dafaq did you make the map then

2019-02-02 01:26:45 UTC  

oh yeah hahahahaha

2019-02-02 01:26:46 UTC  

site name

2019-02-02 01:26:49 UTC  

yeah I used that

2019-02-02 01:26:59 UTC  

free shit <:GWcorbinTopKek:384871333705678868>

2019-02-02 01:27:11 UTC  

try to get less geometric shapes

2019-02-02 01:28:53 UTC  

yeah okay

2019-02-02 01:29:02 UTC  

I dont know. this whole thing feels so small.

2019-02-02 01:29:06 UTC  

I need a bigger map kek.

2019-02-02 01:35:24 UTC

2019-02-02 01:35:28 UTC  


2019-02-02 01:35:35 UTC  

feels so cluttered