Message from @z80

Discord ID: 491266303131123712

2018-09-17 14:58:06 UTC  

when you need free code you have to get it from degenerates <:pepe_smug:378719408341909506>

2018-09-17 14:58:14 UTC  


2018-09-17 14:58:22 UTC  

it's official then, TempleOS is the only safe OS

2018-09-17 14:59:31 UTC  

I cant install WebIOPi because Raspian is telling me the tar.gz ball i downloaded from the official WebIOPi page is not a tar/gzip file <:what:382980756139409409>

2018-09-17 15:02:53 UTC  

either it's corrupt or Raspbian is retarded

2018-09-17 15:03:11 UTC  

considering my RPi runs Raspbian, i'm willing to believe it's Raspbian's fault

2018-09-17 15:03:22 UTC  

because Raspbian is mega big gay

2018-09-17 15:03:42 UTC  

but of course i'm too lazy to migrate everything from there to another OS that probably isn't as well supported

2018-09-17 15:06:19 UTC  

it probly Raspian, i see a lot of posts about this problem online

2018-09-17 15:06:52 UTC  

the install process is also different for Pi3 apparently <:pepe_hang:460603218766987298>

2018-09-17 15:07:57 UTC  

Ruby trap thots deserve burning at the stake 🔥

2018-09-17 15:09:38 UTC  

also, don't know if I said this before, but me and a friend of mine are working on a language with full object-orientation, simplified low-level system access, high performance, static types, abstraction control, internal optional memory management as well as a compiler

2018-09-17 15:09:50 UTC  

and yes, i know I said optional memory management and then compiler

2018-09-17 15:10:23 UTC  

it's not garbage collected, it's managed in such a way that you can easily incorporate the memory management along with the compiled executable using fancy scope logic

2018-09-17 15:11:39 UTC  

and when I say simplified low-level system access, that means a lot of things, but one of the most interesting features is the ability to choose where you create your variables. you can specify in memory, on disk or, more importantly **in registers**.

2018-09-17 15:12:16 UTC  

of course, there's a limit to how much you can cram into CPU registers, but if you use it wisely (e.g for function arguments for functions that take primitive types), you can end up with some amazing results

2018-09-17 15:13:24 UTC  

if the project gets completed rather than getting shelved, most of my future projects will be based on that language. it's basically everything I could ask for when it comes to languages- a not-retarded version of C++

2018-09-17 15:16:07 UTC  


2018-09-17 15:16:30 UTC  


2018-09-17 15:16:47 UTC  

@Reaps I think youre good

2018-09-17 15:16:53 UTC  


2018-09-17 15:17:02 UTC  

when in reality

2018-09-17 15:17:20 UTC  

you can't ever beat my red-hot--.. oh, I can't post images

2018-09-17 15:17:36 UTC  

greyfags have no embed rights

2018-09-17 15:17:38 UTC

2018-09-17 15:18:03 UTC  

I guess i just won't post an image of my hard drive's SMART readings showing a temperature of like 9 million degrees Celsius or something

2018-09-17 15:18:27 UTC  

well how does it happen

2018-09-17 15:18:33 UTC  

the thermistor is borked?

2018-09-17 15:18:47 UTC  

possibly, or the software is just reading the data incorrectly

2018-09-17 15:19:02 UTC  

can it get that from a short or from degradation?

2018-09-17 15:19:47 UTC  

potentially, but I doubt that's what has happened. not an expert in how SMART functions, but i'm pretty sure different manufacturers use different formats for storing that particular data and that different programs for reading it rely on specific formats

2018-09-17 15:20:00 UTC  

don't quote me on that though

2018-09-17 15:20:53 UTC  

so youre saying you wanna pay us to shill your language?

2018-09-17 15:22:11 UTC  

well, I don't think I said that specifically, but when it's completed, I most likely will be paying someone, yes ;P

2018-09-17 15:23:07 UTC  

will it run as fast as c++?

2018-09-17 15:23:20 UTC  

depends, half of it is in theory right now, but that's the aim, yes

2018-09-17 15:23:34 UTC  

you should make a code of conduct that says traps are gay

2018-09-17 15:25:22 UTC  

well I mean, the copyright license I came up with for all my current software literally contains an entire paragraph saying "Minecraft Steve in Robloxia is a gay Roblox fanfiction and you should all be disappointed" repeated like 16 times

2018-09-17 15:25:44 UTC  

i think I may have had a stroke while writing it

2018-09-17 15:25:45 UTC  

seems pretty straightforward

2018-09-17 15:26:42 UTC  

but basically, I've been programming in C++ for aaages and I was just thinking that there were loads of things in the language that could be simplified or just outright removed in order to make it way easier to work with at the cost of little to no performance (or potentially gaining some)