Message from @M4Gunner

Discord ID: 494587676750774293

2018-09-26 19:08:00 UTC  

people will if anything probly need time to organize

2018-09-26 19:08:19 UTC  

and what one man can do alone is often little, so you should offer to make yourself useful

2018-09-26 19:08:33 UTC  

after all, what would you have someone do that you cannot?

2018-09-26 19:08:58 UTC  

it's arguable that Linus has failed as a leader in this instance

2018-09-26 19:09:14 UTC  

people are shocked by that and may need some time to regroup

2018-09-26 19:09:42 UTC  

forking linux means nothing. get all the best kernel devs to jump ship and you have a start

2018-09-26 19:09:59 UTC  

of course what people can do alone is often little, that's why we're losing, because literally nobody is teaming up to do anything and the left has already infested all of the platforms people usually use to communicate (although the lefties working for Discord hasn't posed that much of a threat yet, hence why we're talking now)

2018-09-26 19:10:22 UTC  

start a team

2018-09-26 19:11:14 UTC  

one problem is youre going to need people to do a lot of presumably free work

2018-09-26 19:11:33 UTC  

now personally im not an open source contrib. im very poor and i want to make some actual money eventually

2018-09-26 19:12:01 UTC  

thats why I prefer MIT lic

2018-09-26 19:12:10 UTC  

i bet a thousand other people have, and nothing's happened. jsyk, gaining attention is pretty hard when literally everyone on your side has chosen the attitude of "haha everything is okay they're just stupid they'll destroy themselves eventually hahahaha" or "haha we're still the majority haha"

2018-09-26 19:13:04 UTC  

and another question to ask is what the hell you're going to do when you unite everyone

2018-09-26 19:13:36 UTC  

i mean, other than forking all the projects, which should really be the last choice since it's such a pain and a general mess and how forks probably won't take off

2018-09-26 19:13:40 UTC  

have a plan before you unite them

2018-09-26 19:14:03 UTC  

yeah, that's what I mean, there's two problems:
> how do we get people
> what do we do with the people

2018-09-26 19:14:09 UTC  

in lieu of a plan, find a good leader with a plan and join them

2018-09-26 19:14:28 UTC  

then that presents another problem:
> where is this good leader?

2018-09-26 19:14:37 UTC  

are you a good leader?

2018-09-26 19:14:44 UTC  

i wouldn't know

2018-09-26 19:14:51 UTC  

do you know any good leaders?

2018-09-26 19:15:47 UTC  

the majority of people are too concerned with other things (and too observant of the attitudes I mentioned before) to care, whether they're good leaders or not (which, to be honest, I doubt)

2018-09-26 19:16:02 UTC  

or afraid to not end on the winning team

2018-09-26 19:17:23 UTC  

anyone who forks the kernel needs to maintain it or it will rust

2018-09-26 19:17:55 UTC  

and they need to keep up with the competition, as in monitoring new improvements and replicating them using cleanroom reverse engineering

2018-09-26 19:18:11 UTC  

and they need to put all the power in the right hands

2018-09-26 19:18:13 UTC  


2018-09-26 19:18:34 UTC  

and maybe someone should make an actually not shit desktop OS, and also systemd

2018-09-26 19:18:50 UTC  

and that's a problem, because it's hard to find a group of people who would be up to such a task. not to mention the fact that I'm not just talking about Linux, I'm talking about fixing **everything**. which is why forking isn't a great idea, because there has to be another, cleaner, smoother way to drive out all the fucking commies other than executing them all

2018-09-26 19:18:59 UTC  

its a lot of work that can only be done by an incredibly talented C programmer

2018-09-26 19:19:32 UTC  

individual project owners are the only people who can protect their work for the community

2018-09-26 19:20:07 UTC  

so each individual project who has adopted the Covenant is at fault and their project is now dead and gay

2018-09-26 19:21:56 UTC  

you could promote projects by maintainers who are known not to buy into this, and suggest them as replacements to other SJW softwares

2018-09-26 19:22:39 UTC  

but the best hope for success would be if those programs ran better and had better features/ui than the traps can write

2018-09-26 19:23:57 UTC  

the average user does not care the politics and often neither do i. I am likely to use what I see as the best and most productive software in most cases

2018-09-26 19:24:44 UTC  

it tends to correlate that SJWs have low talent, so thats helpful

2018-09-26 19:25:02 UTC  

or it doesn't matter, because they're riding off of the success of people who are talented

2018-09-26 19:25:18 UTC  

remove those people and get them on your team

2018-09-26 19:25:33 UTC  

linux can't survive without talented C coders

2018-09-26 19:26:17 UTC  

jsyk these people aren't going to just abandon linux- to them, it's literally their baby

2018-09-26 19:26:35 UTC  

im not dumb enough to think theres no amazing traps at c code either