Message from @DanConway
Discord ID: 377855707661467658
we need a kill yourself emoji
yes please
Lol yeah
What was the submarine that dank
The Kursk submarine disaster, the sinking of the Oscar-class submarine (Russian: Project 949A Антей) Kursk, took place during the first major Russian naval exercise in more than ten years, in the Barents Sea on 12 August 2000, killing all 118 personnel on board.
Yeah that's what I thought
I think that's their only aircraft carrier
Murica nigga
murica ni🇧 🅱 a
It's like a shit game of civ
We're dominating military and culture
Didn't say all of it was good
all of it 🇺🇸
me irl
*automation intensifies*
Is solar panel car roofs already an idea?
Or is it just a stupid one
too heavy to be efficient right now
Not enough energy density.
not dank enough.
You do have solar-powered cars, but they don't look anything like cars
They just race them once a year in Australia
Main problem with electric cars is how fast you can charge. Batteries heat up too much if charged quickly. Also, power grid can't handle delivering that much power too quickly.
*[solar frickin' roadways reference]*