Message from @DanielKO
Discord ID: 380401394932514817
the gulags are more appropiate comrade
In her mind, she thinks she's taking rightful revenge.
Yeah, that don't makes it right tho
I identify as welfare benefits
Gibs me dat
Anyone want to put this up in the Sargon Subreddit for me?
I'm guessing he's the next to be disinvited.
gad sad?
whats the short version of the story?
Jordan Peterson, Gad Saad and Doc Amitay were going to do a Stifling of Free Speech on Campus, at a university, a few months back. Faith Goldy got invited, for some reason. University hosting the event canceled it.
They held the event at an independent venue a few days back. Faith got disinvited, related to her friendliness to the far right group (that caused her firing from The Rebel).
so just normal political correct bull
Saad made a video yesterday where he stated he had nothing to do with her invitation or disinvitation. None of the panelists were organising it. They were asked for opinions on whether it would be good or bad for the panel to have her on.
He also whined about being harassed.
Now he posts this dumb video to quote antisemitic comments he received, attributing them to "Faith's fans".
sadd is old school
Saad is now just using his Jew identity to collect victim bucks.
but his perspective is coming from someone who was actually removed from his country for being jewish
his friends were killed
and they had to flee
Yeah, but some idiots leaving troll comments on the internet, isn't the same thing.
he was an actual victim in the past
Yes, he was a victim, a real one, but that's not why people listen to him.
im just saying he doesnt take threats lightly
because he was in a bad situation before
and i can understand that
He's now no different from Zoe Quin accusing all gamers of harassing her.
i dont think they are the same
but i will watch the video and check is out for myself
Watch both.
This and yesterday's.
will do
"To be clear, I am not suggesting that Ms. Goldy shares the sentiments exhibited in the clip. Rather, I am merely highlighting the fact that some people who support her hold deeply problematic attitudes in ways that might make someone (including the organizer of the event in question) wish to disassociate themselves from such negativity, divisiveness, and hate. Cheers."
direct quote from him
I think this just shows his ignorance of internet culture