Message from @roadcrypto

Discord ID: 532985124782997514

2019-01-10 18:07:32 UTC  

Now that reminds me of an alt-history novel I read where after the Trent affair Britain declares war on the US and so Grant gets sent to Ontario instead of the western theater

2019-01-10 18:07:39 UTC  

The Canadians give it a good shot, but it's Grant...

2019-01-10 18:07:50 UTC  

Operative word "If." That bitch went for a K/D ratio when the system is designed to PTFO.

2019-01-10 18:08:00 UTC  


2019-01-10 18:08:24 UTC  

point is, there's deep state bullshit everywhere and canada becoming america wouldn't necessarily solve that problem

2019-01-10 18:09:00 UTC  

@Legiondude If you like, I have a whole alt-history scenario I've been ironing out for years where a lack of Dawes Plan in the 1920's ultimately leads to a US-British war breaking out in 1936 via butterfly effects

2019-01-10 18:09:13 UTC  

you guys had your red wave, it takes time for thing to reach up here, i'm still getting called uncanadian for saying it's ok to wear a maga hat

2019-01-10 18:09:25 UTC  

Canada becoming American wouldn't solve the deep state problem, but it WOULD solve Canada's monarchy problem

2019-01-10 18:09:30 UTC

2019-01-10 18:09:55 UTC  

yeah, and we can be more like the french that way - you guys are under the thumb of your police alot more

2019-01-10 18:10:26 UTC  

yellow vests are starting to gather peacefully and all we're gonna do is talk and bring awareness to people - there won't be any riots up here

2019-01-10 18:10:51 UTC  

The fact Canada is to European as to have yellow vests is telling

2019-01-10 18:10:53 UTC  

albertans started a convoy... about gas tax.... 🤔

2019-01-10 18:11:08 UTC  

yeah, it's different than america here..

2019-01-10 18:11:22 UTC  

Switzerland and Canada were swapped at birth, change my mind.

2019-01-10 18:11:22 UTC  

there's reasons we bash murica alot

2019-01-10 18:11:31 UTC  

probably ^

2019-01-10 18:11:33 UTC  

that only work until the police send in infiltrators to start shit so they have an excuse to bash in some yellow west heads

2019-01-10 18:12:01 UTC  

I could see that happening in the bigger centres, sure..

2019-01-10 18:12:19 UTC  

i could definitely see agitators starting shit to make em look bad

2019-01-10 18:12:36 UTC  

if we get Trudeau in again, we're so fucked

2019-01-10 18:12:42 UTC  

so fucked

2019-01-10 18:12:55 UTC  

he's openly supporting Hamas

2019-01-10 18:12:57 UTC  

Well brace that asshole, because I hear the trend goes that Canada repeats the US's mistakes 7 years behind

2019-01-10 18:13:07 UTC  

and it's only been 3 or so so far

2019-01-10 18:13:09 UTC  

has pedophile friends

2019-01-10 18:13:23 UTC

2019-01-10 18:14:23 UTC  

I'm sure you know all about HER pedophile friends?

2019-01-10 18:15:08 UTC  

it's not that well-made, but it's funny as hell ^

2019-01-10 18:23:33 UTC  

i'll move to <#372513679964635138> now 😂

2019-01-10 20:22:13 UTC  

`Alea iacta est`

2019-01-10 22:39:57 UTC  

Anyone remember these? lol

2019-01-11 00:10:06 UTC  


2019-01-11 00:10:13 UTC  

History anyone?

2019-01-11 00:13:27 UTC  

@Fitzydog you got your wish you nigger