Message from @Void
Discord ID: 281464777992306689
right wing libertarian for most of my life.
Used to be hyper racist/sexist
IsAlex JOnes got me away from Liberalism at 16, for what it's worth I guess
Now I'm a right wing civic nationalist minarchist.
Whatd the dif between civic nationalism and nationalism
Not a nut anymore but guns and gold are parts of my testament
civic is any peoples that are citizens
Nationalism is usually about ethnicity.
ethnic is nogs gtfo
So nationalism is racist
Civic is the additional idea along with nationalism
Civic nationalism is nationalism applied to all citizens of a country, or atleast all people who are part of the dominant culture.
Even if one is ethnic nationalist, it doesn't mean they're a white supremacist. They often just want separation of races.
Im probably a civic nationalist lol
The antithesis of globalism, you'll be shocked in seeing globalist libertarians
Globalism would be great if everyone wasn't shitty.
globalist libertarianism at least makes some sense
Globalism isnt that bad in it self
But people are shitty so any power inevitably gets corrupt..
Its just some of the things that come along with it
as we saw with ttp
also immigration
thats like saying shooting yourself isnt bad in of itself, its the stuff that comes along with it
like dying
So with my commie teacher
Which is why all institutions of power should be as localized and small as possible.
Im going to have him
Give everyone a project
It makes sense for mutual cultures, if exercised in an ancap form
They get 100 even if they dont do it
ew ancap
To show him that internal motivation or whatever the fuck they believe in
Does not fucking exist
hippity hoppity get out of my country you fucking mexicans