Message from @Deadly
Discord ID: 462131649140883456
and can I buy your drugs?
NHS is useless system that needs to be privatized
ofc not communism
Privatization has it's own set of issues. Regarding healthcare it seems our only options are "get fucked" or "get rekt"
I don't think anyones figured out healthcare.
name me a private healthcare system in the world
Singapore has a private and a public
Two systems
USA is mixed economy with government running most of healthcare
Also best healthcare in the world
Seems we should take lessons from them. Make changes as needed.
2-system things perverses incentives and makes private clinics basically support public ones with their money
it's an unfair competitional advantage
I suggest you look into it
They still have the best system
Can be better if they dissolve public healthcare to 100%
I disagree
The idea that we can't have any public healthcare is lacking in depth
The issue ,chiefly, is corruption.
It isnt idea, it's principle
When people live together by the millions public health becomes vital. And not in a "give me free stuff" way. But in a "I want my neighbor to also do well" way. The fact is we live the largest social groupings ever in our history and public institutions are vital in maintaing standards of living. I don't like unlimited welfare or easily abused systems. But throwing the baby out with the bathwater is simply knee-jerk.
I dont care about neighbors, I only want not to be taxed
I prefer everything private on egoist grounds
Opposition to taxation is fine. But in what way do you mean? No taxes at all for anyone?
Fuck everyone i don't want to pay taxes, that's what he wants
No, let everyone have what they earned, I dont owe them anything
they dont either
So no tax and no public anything, private system, private cities
Not caring doesent mean "fuck them"
I simply not their nanny
Certainly you owe them nothing. Except for all the maintenance on the roads you've been on your whole life. Pay that debt and your gravy but uh...GL going somewhere
Purely private cities aren't really possible either
I take that back
Have you ever seen russian roads?
You could
they owe me money for that shitty service if anything
@Cesare Anasazi
Yeah, you are going overboard now
But it would just be private emulating what the government already does.