Message from @DanConway

Discord ID: 464222145745125386

2018-07-05 00:08:51 UTC  

One major was either member could *divorce*

2018-07-05 00:08:52 UTC  

As with the moors

2018-07-05 00:09:41 UTC  

This would have inferiated the catholics

2018-07-05 00:09:57 UTC  

Yes they disagree with divorce

2018-07-05 00:10:22 UTC  

but the marrige tradition as we know it was solidified by the church

2018-07-05 00:10:55 UTC  

But that doesnt denote the fact handfasting was the first form of consentual marriage. And again. Real consent. No arranged, and in many cases no *dowery*

2018-07-05 00:11:36 UTC  

And the tradition is from the church

2018-07-05 00:11:43 UTC  

that was the first point brought forward

2018-07-05 00:11:48 UTC  


2018-07-05 00:11:51 UTC  

being first

2018-07-05 00:11:54 UTC  

Handfasting did first

2018-07-05 00:11:59 UTC  


2018-07-05 00:12:05 UTC  

Do you know what first means?

2018-07-05 00:12:11 UTC  

the tradition as we know it wa brought forward from the church

2018-07-05 00:12:15 UTC  

Catholicism simply *survived*

2018-07-05 00:12:30 UTC  

you have no evidence the church took this tradition from them

2018-07-05 00:12:36 UTC  

if you did you would present it

2018-07-05 00:12:40 UTC  

You have no evidence they didnt

2018-07-05 00:13:00 UTC  

You brought forward the point

2018-07-05 00:13:02 UTC  

I presented evidence you didnt know of the church taking many things from pagans

2018-07-05 00:13:04 UTC  

the odus is on you

2018-07-05 00:13:16 UTC  

That is not what we are arguing about

2018-07-05 00:13:20 UTC  

Ergo your personal knowledge is already mute

2018-07-05 00:13:25 UTC  


2018-07-05 00:13:30 UTC  

Nice Ad Hom

2018-07-05 00:13:36 UTC  


2018-07-05 00:13:45 UTC  

Not an attack, simply observation

2018-07-05 00:13:47 UTC  

Present something or it can be dissmissed lol

2018-07-05 00:13:52 UTC  

quit using terms you dont know

2018-07-05 00:14:01 UTC  

If you say so my dude

2018-07-05 00:14:09 UTC  

I presented you had no knowledge of what you are talking about

2018-07-05 00:14:14 UTC  

So present otherwise

2018-07-05 00:14:16 UTC  

No you did not

2018-07-05 00:14:30 UTC  

I explained the Counsel of Nicea to you

2018-07-05 00:14:37 UTC  

which you tried to misrepresent

2018-07-05 00:14:39 UTC  

Yes I did

2018-07-05 00:14:52 UTC  

you said *saints being pagan heroes is fals*

2018-07-05 00:14:58 UTC  

I showed you that was wrong

2018-07-05 00:15:15 UTC  

You dont think the church took *anything* from pagans

2018-07-05 00:15:23 UTC  

you dont know shit your talkong about

2018-07-05 00:15:31 UTC  
