Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 510560936352940042

2018-11-09 21:02:58 UTC  

But when I talk to him, he actually is in agreement with a lot of my points when I explain them to him

2018-11-09 21:03:19 UTC  

see that's the problem, is they're not retarded, but they're stuck

2018-11-09 21:03:22 UTC  

because in the city

2018-11-09 21:03:25 UTC  

So I’ve talked about it with another friend of mine and we both think it’s the people around him that influence him into progressivism

2018-11-09 21:03:29 UTC  

you think like them or you're hitler

2018-11-09 21:03:37 UTC  

The echo chamber expands itself

2018-11-09 21:03:42 UTC  

"this should be free, like wtf, why dont they fix this shit, it's 2018 people, like wtf?"

2018-11-09 21:03:49 UTC  

Because if you aint part of their cabal you are shunned

2018-11-09 21:03:55 UTC  

And people don’t like that

2018-11-09 21:04:13 UTC  

@Deleted User Sounds like Kaden lol

2018-11-09 21:04:15 UTC  

I’m experiencing it as well sometimes but I just don’t care enough

2018-11-09 21:04:18 UTC  

and so there could be 1 person in a group who's hard left, and the rest are actually normal, but the other 9 go through all the motions of being hard left for fear that the other 9 are all also hard left

2018-11-09 21:04:43 UTC  

@Angus no I think you’d need a majority of real hard leftists

2018-11-09 21:04:54 UTC  

Eventually they start believing their own bs

2018-11-09 21:05:13 UTC  

college is the perfect place for that

2018-11-09 21:05:40 UTC  

Thing is, I’ve talked to a lot of people on my uni campus and turns out a lot of them are perfectly rational people who share a lot of my viewpoints

2018-11-09 21:06:14 UTC  

it should be mandatory for all the city slickers to spend a year on a farm at some point during their formative years

2018-11-09 21:06:19 UTC  

But they don’t dare talk about it in the open and they were genuinely surprised to see me actually speak out

2018-11-09 21:06:36 UTC  

get learned on reality

2018-11-09 21:06:45 UTC  

So my take on it is that the progressivists have a shadow grip on the society

2018-11-09 21:06:52 UTC  

Or in this case the uni

2018-11-09 21:07:05 UTC  

seize the means of education

2018-11-09 21:07:43 UTC  

People are legit afraid that if they speak normal rational shit they get hate mobs of leftists after them

2018-11-09 21:07:51 UTC  

yeah, i was thinking yesterday, how in like 2004 they were pushing for tolerance, just innocent little tolerance
and now look at the shit they are demanding

2018-11-09 21:07:51 UTC  

And they’re not entirely wrong about that

2018-11-09 21:08:36 UTC  

we should never give an inch to these people

2018-11-09 21:08:41 UTC  

I assume you’ve heard about tucker carlson’s antifa incident yesterday?

2018-11-09 21:08:49 UTC  


2018-11-09 21:08:52 UTC  

Was talking to this guy in my class about it and his opinion on it was

2018-11-09 21:09:02 UTC  

Well he deserves it because he spews hatred

2018-11-09 21:09:11 UTC  

I like how this site entirely misrepresents what he said

2018-11-09 21:09:23 UTC  

and makes it look like trump is the product

2018-11-09 21:09:25 UTC  

not them

2018-11-09 21:09:30 UTC  

So I ask him why the fuck is this warranted in any case even IF tucker carlson spews hate?

2018-11-09 21:09:53 UTC  

If the right started bashing against obama’s door or any other democrat’s door the outrage would be immense

2018-11-09 21:10:18 UTC  

i went to look for reddit threads about tucker, and they were all downvoted to hell, and the comments were calling him racist that he deserves it, and that it should happen more often
scary stuff

2018-11-09 21:10:28 UTC

2018-11-09 21:10:29 UTC  

Tbh I don’t even like calling it right since the political spectrum’s definitions vary from country to country

2018-11-09 21:10:34 UTC

2018-11-09 21:10:52 UTC  

left wing activists