Message from @kurosh

Discord ID: 551503884682657793

2019-03-02 20:24:27 UTC  

Send farming equipment rather than food or money. That sort of thing.

Seriously you can just have Lammy he 's the biggest American style race baiting idiot we have. You'll love him

2019-03-02 20:25:29 UTC  

Jesse Jackson would eat him alive.

2019-03-02 20:25:47 UTC  

How was any of that race baiting?

Honestly, his entire argument seemed exceptionally Libertarian and voluntaryist

2019-03-02 20:26:17 UTC  

Sargon is the one who claimed it's "race baiting" in some weird way

2019-03-02 20:26:46 UTC  

All of this from a fundamental misunderstanding of what international aid is. And it's NOT 'charity'

Mate. Lammy literally only cares that the person sent by Comic Relief to Africa to film their projects is a White Woman.

he doesn't give a shit about the the people benefiting

2019-03-02 20:27:53 UTC  

He seemed to be against sending aid as well

Get him to say that then

he'll lose ALL his votes

every single one

2019-03-02 20:29:20 UTC  

NGOs and international charities are the implementing arm of globalism, in my opinion.

They do more harm than good

We'll trade you Lammy for Candice

2019-03-02 20:30:49 UTC  

๐Ÿคท Neither seem important

2019-03-02 20:30:56 UTC  

@Fitzydog gib vid

2019-03-02 20:31:21 UTC  

Globalism is the Chinese. Leave Comic Relief alone! REEE

2019-03-02 20:35:15 UTC  

Sargon seems to believe that international charity actually works and "helps" people, while also thinking that people donate out of the goodness of their heart.

But the advertising for such charities is the worst race baiting of them all. Rich white people holding poor black kids.

"See?! It's almost like I'm their parent! Aren't I a good person? I feel warm and fuzzy now because I put quarters into an envelope. These people NEED Europes help!"

It really is the next wave of colonialism.

2019-03-02 20:36:28 UTC  

Not only can you not help a person who doesn't want to help themselves, you SHOULD NOT do so.

2019-03-02 20:39:32 UTC  

Itโ€™s not just rich white people though, asians are also charitable

2019-03-02 20:39:49 UTC  

The japs and Koreans

2019-03-02 20:40:08 UTC  

@kurosh In what context?

2019-03-02 20:40:13 UTC  

World aid

2019-03-02 20:40:36 UTC  

To Africa? And how is this aid used or given?

2019-03-02 20:41:23 UTC  

In very much the same way you expect the western countries providing aid in Africa and underdeveloped countries

2019-03-02 20:42:19 UTC  

Just because some dummies at the UN sexually abused people in Africa doesnโ€™t mean itโ€™s all bad

2019-03-02 20:42:21 UTC  

So dropping off crates of food on an airport runway and undermining the ability for local farmers to sell their crops?

Giving away tractors that then get stolen and dismantled?

2019-03-02 20:42:35 UTC  

Thatโ€™s a vast generalization

2019-03-02 20:42:47 UTC  

It's more common than you think

2019-03-02 20:43:00 UTC  

Well Iโ€™ve been to a lot of poor countries

2019-03-02 20:43:19 UTC  

The money and effort do go further than you think

2019-03-02 20:43:22 UTC  

Local economies have been ravaged by international aid stunting the ability for a local economy to emerge

2019-03-02 20:44:57 UTC  

I also find it incredibly condescending to think it's our duty as a first world nation to "help" "less privileged" countries than ourselves

2019-03-02 20:48:02 UTC  

Not sure why you think that way

2019-03-02 20:48:58 UTC  

Go to Cambodia and Vietnam, my momโ€™s friend is building schools there for the orphans, how is that condescending at the slightest

2019-03-02 20:50:11 UTC  

Thereโ€™s definitely cunty moves done by charities too, but itโ€™s stretching it to say all manners of charity are bad

2019-03-02 20:54:57 UTC  

That's a different thing altogether.

I'm assuming that the orphanage is part of a church as well, and internationally organized. So they showed initiative to build one, reached out for assistance, and are most likely helping in it's construction.

Also, Vietnam is an industrializing nation, so that helps.

We're talking about sub-Saharan Africa. It's likely that no one asked for the aid, or that they show any initiative to take on the responsibility of continuing the process they learned or acquired from the organization.

It's a case of asking for assistance on how to fish, versus "GIBS ME DAT FISH!"

2019-03-02 20:56:30 UTC  

My unit built a school in the Philippines. Most of the work was done by locals, and they needed assistance in the engineering process.

They actually taught OUR guys a thing or two about curing concrete in a high humidity environment.

Like that would have happened in Africa.