Message from @nutsnax

Discord ID: 524451219779878923

2018-12-18 03:53:37 UTC  

It would still effectibely be worthless if that central bank (fed reserve) collapsed.

2018-12-18 03:53:39 UTC  

Fair enough. I just feel like there's more "magic money" than "real money" (even in federal spreadsheets) out there in circulation

2018-12-18 03:54:44 UTC  

And more so if faith in the currency is fully lost. The true value of a currency isnt how much is in circulation, but overall faith in the currency especially compared to others

2018-12-18 03:55:47 UTC  

Yea over printing devalues due to this. But in some cases say the german marcs they never overprinted. The public faith in the currency compared to the prospects of the euro crashed its value.

2018-12-18 03:56:56 UTC  

And then there's the possibility of the Dollar being derated in its credit rating

2018-12-18 03:59:18 UTC  

That comes with the defaulting as public faith in the value falls. The issue is if the dollar crashes that bad and banks fail, it would send a ripple through the world that will make 2008 and 29 look like a nice summer day.

2018-12-18 03:59:59 UTC  

Especially when the economic crash moves into other aspects like defense, housing, support, ect.

2018-12-18 04:01:22 UTC  

The 08 recession gave a snapshot. It hit everyone from japan to germany. Only those without so much of a private property set up (like china) escaped it. However, this hypothetical one would leave no one unscathed.

2018-12-18 04:54:51 UTC  

a currency collapse could.........technically (in the case of the US) be not so horrendous because what do you typically see when a country's currency is about to fail? I typically see people buying anything that isn't nailed to the wall... well, Americans do that anyway, so you have a country full of physical goods with zero-balance bank accounts...

2018-12-18 04:56:10 UTC  

only problem then is food

2018-12-18 04:56:36 UTC  

Everything would devolve is the issue. Yea you buy it all at once, but then what?

2018-12-18 04:56:54 UTC  

And again, it wouldnt just be the us effected.

2018-12-18 04:57:58 UTC  

oh absolutely, everything would fall apart - people that owe their success to the fiat/financialized/fractionalized system would get wiped out

2018-12-18 04:59:08 UTC  

I'm just saying for the average person with $10k+ in credit card debt when their debts are washed away due to the banking and credit failure...they are sitting on a pile of goods in a time when the only thing of value is what you can put your hands on

2018-12-18 04:59:35 UTC  

(that isn't fiat)

2018-12-18 05:00:12 UTC  

sorry, the average person in the US

2018-12-18 05:00:19 UTC  

Yea but markets would standstill. It would become tribalistic. Crime, ect would skyrocket.

2018-12-18 05:00:38 UTC  

not really in the US I don't think

2018-12-18 05:00:45 UTC  

France, Germany etc it would

2018-12-18 05:01:41 UTC  

Yea if at the point you are theorizing the defenses would collapse, police forces, military, everything would collapse, as with infistructure

2018-12-18 05:01:54 UTC  

the thing to worry about in the US in the event of something like that, real law and order breakdown, would be the drug cartels

2018-12-18 05:02:13 UTC  

Crime groups qould look to capitalize and stake claims and gather everything of valie

2018-12-18 05:02:30 UTC  

right, that's what I was alluding to

2018-12-18 05:02:39 UTC  

Your local gang leader would effectively become your local lord

2018-12-18 05:03:00 UTC  

Because their hierarchies wouldnt be as effected

2018-12-18 05:03:05 UTC  

well, it would devolve into extremely bloody conflict

2018-12-18 05:03:13 UTC  

in the US that is

2018-12-18 05:03:24 UTC  

because we're all armed to the teeth

2018-12-18 05:03:25 UTC  


2018-12-18 05:03:42 UTC  

Not all are. Tbh the numbers are fluffed more than people think.

2018-12-18 05:04:29 UTC  

Like the "number of guns in america" and such are fluffed by guns still on the market and so on.

2018-12-18 05:04:58 UTC  

And as you get closer to higher populated areas, only certain groups are armed.

2018-12-18 05:05:23 UTC  

On average* i should add as caviot to that statement.

2018-12-18 05:07:15 UTC  

Basically though america would become more a collection of warlord like states, cartels, cops, and military creating various territories. Europe would be mostly anarchist with small territories of the same.

2018-12-18 05:07:20 UTC  

And so on.

2018-12-18 05:07:49 UTC  

I am of course grouping gangs, extremist groups, and cartels together.

2018-12-18 05:08:54 UTC  

right, the criminal element

2018-12-18 05:09:12 UTC  

though I think cultures would eventually band together and form a common land

2018-12-18 05:09:58 UTC  

so the southern US would band together to form a territory

2018-12-18 05:10:24 UTC  

and common culture would then be allowed to be re-enforced versus the diversity scam that is going on now (the antithesis of that)