Message from @AlephKnoll

Discord ID: 535208383217926175

2019-01-16 20:26:08 UTC  

e sugen

2019-01-16 20:26:09 UTC  

vill ha

2019-01-16 20:26:10 UTC  

men det är sent

2019-01-16 20:26:11 UTC  


2019-01-16 20:26:11 UTC  


2019-01-16 20:29:45 UTC  


2019-01-16 21:14:34 UTC  

7 euros to travel to another country. Sounds cheap.

2019-01-16 21:16:24 UTC  


2019-01-16 21:16:33 UTC  

An *additional* 7 euros

2019-01-16 21:16:44 UTC  

To travel costs and whatever else

2019-01-16 21:17:27 UTC  

Yes. To cross a border. Seems reasonable.

2019-01-16 21:17:54 UTC  

Do you know how much it costs to PARK YOUR CAR in New Orleans?

2019-01-16 21:18:12 UTC  

Like $20-$30.

2019-01-16 21:20:03 UTC  

Was free before, no?

2019-01-16 21:20:12 UTC  

Or am I an ill-informed American

yup free as a bird, all over the EU

it's like. do you need a passport to fly to Hawaii

2019-01-16 21:25:12 UTC  


2019-01-16 21:26:26 UTC  

`During a day-long session with lawmakers on the House judiciary and oversight committees on October 25 last year, Papadopoulos, under penalty of perjury, detailed a series of what he described as “strange” interactions with a member of the Trump campaign. The timing and content of that person’s communications led Papadopoulos to have suspicions that he was covertly working on behalf of U.S. intelligence.`

2019-01-16 21:27:02 UTC  

`“My interactions with [Person A] were quite strange. You know, he would call me on private numbers and kind of ask me where I’m sitting or where I’m living at the moment,” Papadopoulos said.`

2019-01-16 21:27:41 UTC  


2019-01-16 21:27:47 UTC  

Sounds like a Fed

2019-01-16 21:27:52 UTC  

So what I’m hearing is, there *was* a witch-hunt

2019-01-16 21:28:05 UTC  


2019-01-16 21:28:24 UTC  

but we have proof now!

2019-01-16 21:28:31 UTC  


2019-01-16 21:28:35 UTC  

Heads will roll!

2019-01-16 21:28:52 UTC  

They were boarding this ship the moment they realized Trump would be the Republican candidate, because theirs cannot stand on merit.

2019-01-16 21:29:03 UTC  

Also, nothing will happen.

2019-01-16 21:29:23 UTC  

The democrats haave immunity from the law.

2019-01-16 21:30:36 UTC  

We already know that there was heated discussion within the FBI as to whether or not Clinton needs to be charged. We know which side won. Then they probably cleaned house.

2019-01-16 21:30:42 UTC  

`“Congress knows who it is. And I’m sure in a report, or whatever they’re going to release, they’ll probably be releasing him as a confidential source. Because I think America deserves to know the truth,” Papadopoulos told talk-show host Dan Bongino during an interview in early November last year.`

2019-01-16 21:31:22 UTC  

`In a previously undisclosed interaction with the FBI, a bureau agent asked Papadopoulos to wear a wire to record Mifsud, according to the transcript.

The offer occurred at Cafe George in Chicago on or around Jan. 31, 2017, three or four days after Papadapolous’s first interview with two FBI agents on Jan. 27. Papadopoulos, without a lawyer, met a lone FBI agent, one of the two who interviewed him days earlier. The agent asked Papadopoulos to travel to London and told him he would get a glimpse into an FBI operation from behind the scenes.`

2019-01-16 21:33:28 UTC  

`Q: “[As] they were directing the conversation, when you told them that you had not communicated with anybody in the campaign about the emails, what was their response?”

Papadopoulos: “I can’t remember if it was after I told them that I thought that Mifsud was BS’ing, or if it was after I told them I don’t remember meeting this random diplomat that they were alluding to, that they got up, stormed out, and left in a very aggressive manner. And Kevin [Clinesmith] was very aggressive in his exit. That’s how I remember it, but that seemed to be…”

Q: “They all got up and left?”

Papadopoulos: “Yes, basically, you didn’t tell us what we hoped you were going to tell us. And that’s basically what the million dollar question has always been.”

Clinesmith has been identified as the lawyer who wrote in a text message on the day after Trump was elected president that he was “stressed about what I could have done differently.” Two weeks later, he wrote “viva le resistance.”`

2019-01-16 21:35:11 UTC  

`Papadopoulos said that his suspicions were reinforced by the fact that the FBI agents who interviewed him earlier in the year accused him of being an agent of Israel. [Agent A] accused Papadopoulos of being compromised by the Israelis after he refused to wear a wire to record Mifsud.

“My recollection of his response was, we know what you’re up to. I know everything about you. I know what you are doing with the Israelis, and you’re lucky they’re allies or we’d bust you, or something weird like that. This is my second ever encounter with this [Agent A],” Papadopoulos said.`

2019-01-16 21:35:33 UTC  

How *dare* you work with our allies. If they wern't an ally, I would have your head!

2019-01-16 21:36:25 UTC  

How dare he not work for someone we approve of, like China!

^ found Feinstein

2019-01-16 21:38:56 UTC  

`The agents arrested Papadopoulos before he formally entered the United States and cleared customs, according to the transcript. The agents did not show Papadopoulos a warrant for his arrest, or the search of his briefcase, and did not read him his Miranda rights, he told lawmakers. One of the agents told him “this is what happens when you don’t tell us everything about your Russia contacts.”

The next day, Papadopoulos appeared in front of a magistrate judge and was charged with obstruction of justice and lying. He eventually pled guilty to lying as part of a plea deal with Mueller.

“What I could say about this is in part of my plea deal, the $10,000 was the exact amount I had to pay, and that I was being threatened by the special counsel to be charged as an agent of Israel,” Papadopoulos said. “But I never received really more details about what that allegation was really about, besides what they told me.`

2019-01-16 21:40:11 UTC  
