Message from @Holy Intersectional Inquisition
Discord ID: 494666967240933376
where did you jump the fence in from?
I was banned from wh40k discord for saying tranny now you give me shit for substituting a word with a number
I see no difference
another gyppo
well at least wh40k is cancerous
Ahh, a pikey?
no, a serverhopper
I have other servers, I'll be alright
but in his case its not the usual case
we get a lot of people coming here just to rack up another server ban for their collection
Im not collecting, it just seems to happen
No further questions for now
Maybe you should work on that
well its the 40k discord
at least he was making fun of traps
idk, I don't play with minifig shit
i mean arent they going full SJW?
I also left danuklas server, well was kicked, but I didnt rejoin. do you know of this place?
yes they are
Kicked from *Dankula??*
yes, its a cancer farm, so i dont know how you got kicked
its a lefty hugbox, fully purged
the worst spergs we get would blend in just fine over there
I spammed "thank you" to the mod Arabman after he went on a ping sperge
pinging the mods is never wise
I knew what I was doing, I dont even like scat, so why be there?
ping the mods
unless I want to be banned/kicked
you shouldnt cause trouble just because youre in a place you dont want to be anymore
If you *want* to be banned, then you're a faggot
well danks server was an exception to that
I even left the 40k discord after having my talking rights in politics revoked
but it was the main channel there I cared about
40k having a politics channel tho
Shadilay my brothers and sisters
praise kek