Message from @white_north
Discord ID: 352963362742599682
Well that's the thing.
These "crazy" people wise up real fast when they come across someone who isn't buying their con.
What tonight?
No drinking for me lad.
no no
tonight not good , gotta catch up on my IT work
but yeah i mean the weekend or something
i was thinking of doing a bbq maybe at beaver lake
ill bring an ass ton of hamburgers
Oh yeah you meant my Templars thing, no my shoulder blast tonight.
howdy der sturmer
fellow canuck
bubonic whenever dude.. always available
and the mr. bond mixtape is on
Hey man thanks for the invite. Edmonton here
hows edmonton doing?
u got lots of kebabs?
Of course
It's still Canada
are your kebabs brown and shitty like ours ?
whats up bro
howdy goys
eh Bacon
i vouch for you fellow thirdposition member 😃
too many nights being fashy and classy on cam hah
thank you white north, I will be participating here soon
do it
i know ur story u know mine.. this is a good spring board
thirdposition man
poor white sharia devon lol
Any of you play overwatch?
What's up goyim
Never much in here