Message from @asdfgasdfgasdfaoklk
Discord ID: 288314911421890570
this is the general so enjoy my redpills
oh god I love that one
this is the god you desreve its not the jews its me
PLS respond
Great, thanks to that corporate redpill you posted I'll have barely any selection if I start boycotting
you welcome and rarity a best you fucking faggot
: D
I'll go full autiste here just this once: GAPT master race
? PC master race ? i dont know what that stands for
GAPT. Image search it you fucking nog
her voice actor is sexy
well voice
I was gonna say, I'm pretty sure she's old as shit
glad to see her character back
But anyway, this isn't the place for our particular brand of faggotry
also one foot in the grave one dick in the cave
So I'll cut myself off while I'm still ahead
we dont post images
we post redpilss since we all know where all cross posters on the board
Oy vey, we have some nice diversity on /pol/ there, goy
we do nigga
Also what's that nicuckelodeon thing all about
its a cuck director who made cuck porn and then got hired to make a cuck show for cuck kids
legit IRL