Message from @Le Carouge à épaulettes
Discord ID: 328957192889827328
Concordia is a cesspool
My waifu attends and trills dindus daily
With White kaaaangz facts
>going to university at all
nice meme
might as well swallow a big fat load of nigger cum
and get AIDS
Looks like a subversion post
Bitcoin will not be worthless after Aug 1
yeah lots of shilling going both ways
but hey keep in mind if its posted on leddit its what (((THEY))) want you to read
@CAPITALIST_MOON#4357 Don't forget tomorrow, I can't seem to contact u directly anymore for some reason
Did Moonie go paint balling!??!?
Who's moonie
I went
How was it
We got rkt at first but began to win once we got a white angel who joined our team to guide us to victory
(A random guy joined our team and he gave us basic strategies)
@Neuromancer nah Moonist fucking flaked. I think he'll stay behind the keyboard, as far as the group goes. I expected it. Still broke my heart
Yeah we got better as the game wore on. @Le Carouge à épaulettes actually was among the best on our team, now I know who I can count on in the group if RAHOWA
Awww ❤
Suffice to say that paintball strategy isn't exactly wartime strategy. Was a good time, location was great. Even I was a bit surprised
Ya I saw that lmao
We're all from the same subfamily, only 0.01% of genetic difference, ignore the fact that my mouth pieces are knife-shapped and can't take care of the brood of my queen. Ignore me, my pheromones smell the same! Hey, let me manipulate your eggs a bit, I'll go take a walk with them and put them in my "university". *Fake ants smile*
Hellow, I'm from your colony, my brain has evolved only to be able to fake being like you. I'm too dumb to take care of my youth but hey, why invest brain-cells into modules used to nurture my eggs and maintain my colony when I can have you do it for me.
“We don’t automatically expect parasites to be ‘stupid’ — in order to be a successful parasite, you need to be very, very smart in certain specialized ways,” he says. “Slave-makers are as smart as they need to be, because their hosts are doing most of the work for them.”
I love academic arguments they are the best
Yeah, I suck and all my father thaught me is bullshit
We are all the same because we only have 0.01% genetic difference therefore all races are equal in every way
50% of your DNA you share with a banana, does that mean all@people are half banana? Lmao
Oh smart parasites of course
It's k I don't care about who owns the mass media, as long as I can lay my eggs.
It's k I don't care about who owns mass pheromone media, as long as I can lay my eggs.
We're all the same and they all are my greatest allies.