Message from @King Canuck

Discord ID: 508299968218398740

2018-11-03 15:20:43 UTC  

TOby Fox is a fantastic composer, honestly.

2018-11-03 15:20:58 UTC  

the music is great but not enough to redeem a garbage game

2018-11-03 15:21:04 UTC  

that's your opinoin, man

2018-11-03 15:21:10 UTC  

I have a simple reason for why the undertale fandom got toxic, though,. Toby fox first got popualr doing music for

2018-11-03 15:21:11 UTC  

dun dun dun

2018-11-03 15:21:12 UTC  


2018-11-03 15:21:13 UTC  

the pacing looks sort of ass, but might be fun anyway

2018-11-03 15:21:31 UTC  

why doesnt this faggot just make a legit bullethell game

2018-11-03 15:21:38 UTC  

apparently I got the bad ending but after reading the other endings I'm pretty sure I got the best ending

2018-11-03 15:21:38 UTC  

Because he doesn't want to?

2018-11-03 15:21:43 UTC  

Yeah that's the bad ending

2018-11-03 15:21:48 UTC  

the bad ending is slaughtering everyone

2018-11-03 15:21:52 UTC  

the other endings sound fucking shit

2018-11-03 15:21:54 UTC  

the good ending is being the uwu smollest bean

2018-11-03 15:21:57 UTC  

and befriending everyone

2018-11-03 15:22:06 UTC  

stories are gay

2018-11-03 15:22:08 UTC  

through l o v e and f r i e n d s h i p

2018-11-03 15:22:15 UTC  

the one redeeming quality of the game is the bad ending????? <:what:382980756139409409> <:what:382980756139409409> <:what:382980756139409409>

2018-11-03 15:22:31 UTC  

That's, like, your opinion man

2018-11-03 15:22:33 UTC  

no the one redeeming quality is dat bullets

2018-11-03 15:22:36 UTC  

millions of fans can't be wrong

2018-11-03 15:22:39 UTC  

well they can

2018-11-03 15:22:49 UTC  

@M4Gunner yeah bad ending is bullet hell final boss

2018-11-03 15:22:50 UTC  

but seriously the good ending is fun shit

2018-11-03 15:22:52 UTC  

same thing

2018-11-03 15:23:06 UTC  

millions of fart huffing twentysomething indie hipster faggots cant be wrong

2018-11-03 15:23:23 UTC  

wait you only get the bhell in the bad ending?

2018-11-03 15:23:33 UTC  


2018-11-03 15:23:39 UTC  

ecept here's the thing

2018-11-03 15:23:48 UTC  


2018-11-03 15:23:49 UTC  

here's the weird trade-off

2018-11-03 15:24:02 UTC  

the most character development happens when you're the monster destroying the underground

2018-11-03 15:24:15 UTC  

Alphys becomes a hero, mettaton becomes a hero to try and stop you

2018-11-03 15:24:16 UTC  

ect ect

2018-11-03 15:24:21 UTC  

but the good ending shows you way more of the actual story

2018-11-03 15:24:25 UTC  

the story is dull, the characters are shit, the general game play is way too fucking easy, the music is good and the bad ending is the best ending

2018-11-03 15:24:29 UTC  

how 2 make games???

2018-11-03 15:24:40 UTC  

I mean

2018-11-03 15:24:55 UTC  

I fucking hate long-term strategy games

2018-11-03 15:24:58 UTC  

does that make them shit?

2018-11-03 15:25:09 UTC  

if i hate them it does <:pepe_smug:378719408341909506>