Message from @Banks=Gay

Discord ID: 509494692933533696

2018-11-06 22:18:00 UTC  

Human history. Check any time a state collapses

2018-11-06 22:18:16 UTC  

And before any existed

2018-11-06 22:18:59 UTC  

I disagree, but I'm also not advocating for violent overthrow or collapse of any sort, which leads to failures in infrastructure and trade

2018-11-06 22:19:22 UTC  

Then how would you ever remove a state?

2018-11-06 22:19:42 UTC  

If a state is just violence surely you must destroy it in kind

2018-11-06 22:19:55 UTC  

It would be the moral and pragmatic thing to do

2018-11-06 22:20:15 UTC  

in 99% of most people's lives, the state has no impact on what goes on, other than being a minor nuisance

What's the difference if it just didn't exist?

2018-11-06 22:21:17 UTC  

Honestly, I wouldn't mind if the "government" were nothing more than the military, with the amount of name recognition you'd have with something like ADT, or your bank

2018-11-06 22:22:43 UTC  

99%? Dont pull numbers out your ass man. Government is all pervasive in almost everyone's life. Should it be less? We can talk. But removeing it entirely is not only unreasonably impossible but unlikely to help anyone.

2018-11-06 22:23:03 UTC  

The only problems it solves, are those it brings upon itself.

2018-11-06 22:23:19 UTC  

In your day to day life?

2018-11-06 22:23:29 UTC  

So murderers would catch themselves? Who wouldve thunk

2018-11-06 22:23:44 UTC  

At most, you go to the DMV like once a year. When else do you interact with the govt?

2018-11-06 22:24:08 UTC  

Oh come on, I've posted on here enough about private law you would know my argument for it

2018-11-06 22:24:20 UTC  

The business I work for is subject to government regulation. Pay government taxes. I follow government laws.

2018-11-06 22:24:48 UTC  

These are how I interact with government every day.

2018-11-06 22:25:18 UTC  

If I get robbed, I persecute the offender in a government court following government laws.

2018-11-06 22:25:23 UTC  

Every organization is subect to another organization. No one, nor any entity exists in a vacuum

2018-11-06 22:26:27 UTC  

Enough platitudes. It just muddles the water while saying nothing. I gave you how I interact with government. That's what you asked. If your gonna make a point, then make it.

2018-11-06 22:27:39 UTC  

I've made my point. There's alternatives for everything.

My point: Quit treating the gov't like some sacred cow that can't ever be questioned as to their effectiveness or legitimacy.

Always look for a better alternative.

2018-11-06 22:30:00 UTC  

I never said you couldnt criticize governments effectiveness or legitimacy. Stop dragging out Molineux talking points in contexts they dont apply. Im trying to debate if a complete lack of government would solve anything. I dont think it would. You do. And so far, youve said almost nothing that changes my mind beyond platitudes.

2018-11-06 22:34:18 UTC  

It would solve the constant back and forth nonsense we've been fighting against with authoritarians trying to subvert and undermine the sovereignty of individuals.

It's a temptive tool for people to use against others. It will ALWAYS be a temptation. People will ALWAYS try and twist the rules of the game so that they can more easily win

2018-11-06 22:34:49 UTC  

How to steal memes from Athens 101

2018-11-06 22:34:52 UTC  


2018-11-06 22:35:22 UTC  

Lack of a state = trying to scoop up water with a strainer

2018-11-06 22:35:43 UTC  

or, herding cats lol

2018-11-06 22:36:22 UTC  

It will always be temptation. Correct. So in the anachist utopia, a man would be tempted to get his buddys together and declare himself king of the world, instituting his devine rule on anyone weak enough to be conquered.

2018-11-06 22:36:22 UTC  


2018-11-06 22:36:24 UTC  


2018-11-06 22:36:27 UTC  


2018-11-06 22:36:30 UTC  


2018-11-06 22:37:16 UTC  

Yeah, but who's going to be weak enough to be conquered? Seriously, this is north america, not rural Africa

2018-11-06 22:37:37 UTC  

What, are you going to send a raiding party on the subdivision next door? lol

2018-11-06 22:37:41 UTC  


2018-11-06 22:37:43 UTC  


2018-11-06 22:37:45 UTC  


2018-11-06 22:38:20 UTC  

Are you serious. How do you thing states became a thing in the first place? Everyone just decided one day they liked taking orders from that jackass fred?

2018-11-06 22:38:35 UTC  

Is Memphis going to declare war on Knoxville?

2018-11-06 22:38:45 UTC  

No. Fred made some friends, and then beat everyone who didnt like him to death.

2018-11-06 22:38:51 UTC  

@Banks=Gay That joke isn't entirely wrong, everyone was like **DAMN WE LOVE GEORGE**