Message from @Fitzydog

Discord ID: 509503313818025994

2018-11-06 22:57:12 UTC  

So we basically have to abolish police and pray an adequate substitute will arrive during the inevitable riots?

2018-11-06 22:57:50 UTC  

I mean. Im not against it on principle but it seems a bit... Unlikely

2018-11-06 22:58:18 UTC  

Did I say abolish? No

2018-11-06 22:58:32 UTC  

Just allow me to choose who I pay

2018-11-06 22:59:11 UTC  

Right. And how will those companies estabish themselves?

2018-11-06 22:59:35 UTC  

The police. Put the police out of "business". Because it is run by the government? Security, the administration and protection of law has to be a government prerogative or the system loses its integrity and public accountability. Corporations are profit-driven institutions, having them play the role of policing is basically the same deal as having wealthy tribal rulers competing with eachother to have what they want with regards to the law. It is already bad enough of a necessary evil to have lobbying, never mind turning over such a vital institution and service to the whims of private enterprise. A government with a monopoly on law and force is the reason secure commerce can take place to begin with.

2018-11-06 23:00:27 UTC  

Like any other newly created business.

But I'm sure the larger existing private security firms would fill that niche first

2018-11-06 23:00:38 UTC  

Lobbying isnt a nessisary evil imo but its one were gonna have to live with for the foreseeable future.

2018-11-06 23:01:15 UTC  

So how would you propse we slowly faze out public security? @Fitzydog

2018-11-06 23:01:56 UTC  

Surely you don't want to drop the police without any adiqute replacements already beeing established

2018-11-06 23:02:00 UTC  

They can phase out or not, that's irrelevant.

2018-11-06 23:02:10 UTC  

Nobody can play a game without the rules being clear up front, without knowing what will happen if you do x or don't do y. If the enforcement of law is an enterprise, then it is competitive, which means it is by necessity unpredictable. Unpredictable application of law is what one advocates if one doesn't want law to exist to begin with. People need to know what the deal is before they can engage in participating.

2018-11-06 23:02:37 UTC  

@Roarey Most people like to agree to common rules before hand.

2018-11-06 23:02:46 UTC  

Everybody HAS to

2018-11-06 23:02:47 UTC  

That's common game theory

2018-11-06 23:03:04 UTC  

And that's why we have governments

2018-11-06 23:03:25 UTC  

That's.... not a logical argument. Just a "X, thus Y"

2018-11-06 23:03:27 UTC  

Its essentially relevant. If we were to abolish the police right now there would be no substantial replacements and thus no way for people to get protection in the foreseeable future

2018-11-06 23:03:55 UTC  

Maybe in a month firms have their foot in the door. What do we do in the mean time

2018-11-06 23:04:16 UTC  

Once again, I have not said to abolish anything.

I ASSUME the original policing force would go out of business unless they changed their business plan lol

2018-11-06 23:04:43 UTC  

December 6th, 2007

2018-11-06 23:04:46 UTC  

For all I know, some small towns keep their local policing force

2018-11-06 23:05:12 UTC  

How would you put it out of business? You would be privatizing the exiting police then?

2018-11-06 23:05:40 UTC  

No, I am saying "Let people opt out of local police, and pay for their own local security"

2018-11-06 23:06:07 UTC  

But if the government is still paying for local police, why would they opt out of free police?

2018-11-06 23:06:24 UTC  

It began

2018-11-06 23:06:33 UTC  

*Who's paying?*

2018-11-06 23:06:36 UTC  

You would have to privatize the existing structure

2018-11-06 23:06:55 UTC  

@Banks=Gay No, your property taxes are paying for your police

2018-11-06 23:07:30 UTC  

To make it clear, then, the alternatives to a government are numerous, and far less effective with regards to a functioning society. Governments in the west are publicly accountable bodies that set the rules of all the social games. And they have to have the clout to ensure those rules are followed and those games can take place to begin with. A multitude of competing corporations cannot serve that function better than a government. It is why governments have evolved over the centuries, slowly improving and gaining complexity. There is not going to be some blanket "fix" for the issues we have with governments. Companies are not moral or ethical actors. We can have such a rich economy because there are rules everyone has to abide by, if companies decided the rules then there'd be no consistency whatsoever. It'd be worse than what we have now.

2018-11-06 23:08:03 UTC  

@Roarey You're going to need to provide a source that alternatives are less effective

2018-11-06 23:08:17 UTC  


2018-11-06 23:08:18 UTC  


2018-11-06 23:09:03 UTC  

Would you privatize existing security? Sell off the police? Then let the market work out?

2018-11-06 23:09:09 UTC  

Is that correct?

2018-11-06 23:09:21 UTC  

If you're advocating a colossal change you are the one who has to demonstrate its efficacy, not me.

2018-11-06 23:10:36 UTC  

They're getting paid by the specific tax payers in certain areas that are still using the gov't police force.

Other areas of town may have opted out of paying for the gov't police via their property taxes and decided to pay someone else.

2018-11-06 23:11:25 UTC  

You dont have to be a bastion of nuance ffs. Its just making this hard to pin down.

2018-11-06 23:11:26 UTC  

All I have to do is look at how people in the past have tried to live together and see what happened. The past is worse than what we have today, in practically any way one cares to measure it.