Message from @THE HANDIKKKAPER✓ᵀʳᵘᵐᵖ
Discord ID: 276878827517640706
but seriously
Don't know if posting it on FB will get you V& since Quebec suddenly became a police state
why the fuck would you even bother
more views
nobody even speaks english
especially on goybook
eh, the people who matter do
unless its a fake name i wouldnt post it
>implying they wont track your IP/location
shit i havent used goybook in more than a year
i got reported for blowing cucks the fuck out
then they were like "muh fake name"
i was like
k lel
>pls submit your ID to prove ur name
yeah no thanks schlomo
>implying our faggot government isnt hiring tons of uber hackers to spy on its own citizens speaking against the narritive
all they hire is pajeets
>the point of a healthcare system is to provide heathcare
our system is shit
trash it
privatize the goddamn thing
in b4 mongoloids who dont understand shit
look at the fucking dental industry
hell even the eye industry
you can afford fucking laser eye surgery nowadays for like what, 500$ an eye
hell, you cant afford it? okay heres a 0% interest loan over 24 months goy
but when you go to the fuckin hospital you get a bill shoved up your ass for a fucking life-threatening surgery
arent you tired of paying a fucking insurance youll never use
im tired of paying for all these old fucking baby boomer pieces of shit that all they did was abuse the system and ruin it for future generations
shit heres another example
the plastic surgery industry
remember in the 80's fucking titjobs cost around 20k$
nowadays you can get your tits enhanced in a multitude of ways for barely 2500$
>people will still defend socialist healthcare
Well those are the ones who don't put anything into the system and take as much as they can out of it