Message from @GaiusKekus
Discord ID: 355811687225360388
Néfaste? On dira que tout ces points sont des valeurs positifs
Parfois il faut demander le genre d'imbécile que ça prend pour accepter cette propagande
>Bourgie intellectuals trying to explain things they don't understand
White girl killed by a nigger in st Michel. Imagine my SHOCK!
Bonus: the nigger pleaded not guilty
Lol, wait till the rest of his family moves in
We dindu nuffin!
she relaxed around blacks or what ?
She sang "Maxi and company"
She's guilty
what in the wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooorld
is that
Her favorite song
We have to start distributing our own stuff like this showing how violent the left actually is
The maxi and company song?
Fuuck yeah
Lmao ya I know
Hopefully with gen Id we get a huge membership and then can actually carry this stuff out
i'm too spead out, i need to focus
your coming tonight ?
It will be easier to recruit
Ya probably
I'm working on some new friends who just got pwned by UQAM
Wow great
A friend just dumped his GF because she would start crying every time he would try to adress transexuality
In a very mild way
I sent him Peterson videos
had a talk with him 1h
He tried the arguments in a very mild way
Bye GF 😂
What you need to do Vince is make a video/documentary
I am