Message from @EmEm

Discord ID: 512226505934241794

2018-11-14 11:12:40 UTC  

jag åker dit då och då för att äta go kebab lmao

2018-11-14 11:13:20 UTC  


2018-11-14 11:13:45 UTC  

dont take the blackpill

2018-11-14 11:15:25 UTC  

@MountainMan and you think it is going to get resolved? Sweden is cucked beyond saving. Its like most people have made acollective decision to dissolve the nation

2018-11-14 11:16:53 UTC  

it is a daily flow of black pills shoved down the throat in swedistan

2018-11-14 11:17:44 UTC  

this country has gotten through all kinds of shit. it'll happen again. just wait for the boomers that vote for S to die out.

2018-11-14 11:18:14 UTC  

it'll be too late by then

2018-11-14 11:18:38 UTC  


2018-11-14 11:18:45 UTC  

Too bad.

2018-11-14 11:19:03 UTC  

Shit needs to change. Everyone will see that soon enough.

2018-11-14 11:23:16 UTC  

@MountainMan i can also tell where not to go in gothenburg

2018-11-14 11:23:21 UTC  

Dont go att all

2018-11-14 11:23:34 UTC  

place is fucking flooded with Glenns and Göteborgare

2018-11-14 11:24:15 UTC  

Rather a Glenn or a Göteborgare than a Stockholmare tho

2018-11-14 11:24:30 UTC  

Wait am I a Göteborgare <:pepe_sweat:378719424548569088>

2018-11-14 11:24:41 UTC  

I live 10 min outside with train

2018-11-14 11:24:52 UTC  

Im originally from Stockholm

2018-11-14 11:24:55 UTC  


2018-11-14 11:24:58 UTC  

big oof

2018-11-14 11:25:06 UTC  

btw did I tell you that vänstern is at my school lmao

2018-11-14 11:25:15 UTC  

Dont think you did

2018-11-14 11:25:18 UTC  

they're campaigning inside here

2018-11-14 11:25:20 UTC  

right now lmao

2018-11-14 11:25:35 UTC  

I've no idea how they were let in. None of them are Students.

2018-11-14 11:25:46 UTC  

I'm just thankful they arent loud lmao

2018-11-14 11:26:42 UTC  

wonder what would happen if SD came in

2018-11-14 11:26:55 UTC  


2018-11-14 11:27:04 UTC  

dunno. I would like to see that tho.

2018-11-14 11:27:06 UTC  

would be fun

2018-11-14 11:27:20 UTC  

but tbh I'd rather no parties came here.

2018-11-14 11:27:39 UTC  


2018-11-14 11:27:43 UTC  

its no place in schools

2018-11-14 11:27:50 UTC  

i think SD was at our school when i went

2018-11-14 11:28:03 UTC  

But thats 16 years ago now so was back when they was racist

2018-11-14 11:29:01 UTC  

ah yeah

2018-11-14 11:29:23 UTC  

SD has been in Järntorget before. I didnt know tho. Would've liked to see it.

2018-11-14 11:29:38 UTC  

some classmates have pics. bunch of people just schreeching at them.

2018-11-14 11:30:36 UTC  


2018-11-14 11:32:03 UTC  

one of the few party's that can benefit from a re-election in Sweden is the SD

2018-11-14 11:32:13 UTC  


2018-11-14 11:32:53 UTC  

@MountainMan the problem isn't just the boomers, have you seen the result for the socialdemokraterna and vänsterpartiet on the "enriched" areas?