Message from @Mint Maka
Discord ID: 512659111423377408
Like actually paint
Have u tried olive oil?
I’m not good
But I paint
Olive oil doesn’t have the same properties as linseed oil
Dont know till u try
I know how oil paints work
U think u do
But u never try
Yeah I’m not ruining perfectly good paint with olive oil
Try orange oil
Olive oil
Try dick oil
It needs to be Linseed
Sold for some 2000 euros each
I'm sure orange oil could work
I only do silk screen painting
Have you tried?
For oil paints
What you need is dry oils
Motor oil
linseed oil is used, because it evaporates. Orange oil also evaporates.
Have u tried motor oil?
Have you tried?
I just watched a stream with Destiny
Orange oil has compounds in it that will fuck with the paint
Jesus Christ, he's an absolute sperg
My room mate loves Desriny
And i ask him "why is incest wrong?"
And he replies "power dynamics"