Message from @E4S1911-MN
Discord ID: 288417690681475072
You might be surprised
Yeh this place is generally pretty clear of leftist fuckery
Just check [your town name] antifa on facekike
Weeb stronk
Weeb power
Hey do any weebs wanna join our weeb containment area
hey guys I got goyed today
press F for me
how so
@esgee This isn't something to brag about
youfucking autist
he said f not gz
you double autist
@Wrathsalts I know, give me Fs
Does someone else have a link I cold give my friends that are redpills? They also want to know about anti-communist things
We have any prior military in the group?
already 17% of the way to 50k
@E4S1911-MN one sec man
We have active military, I do know of that.
Or at least not military
But some kind of security? I'm not sure how you guys work.
Nope @gabe_brouse
@E4S1911-MN service?
Yea usmc
I went through OCS up in Quantico
Was in a car accident before I commissioned tho
I was enlisted
Full recovery
I'm only on my phone for a little bit, do you guys have a link I can send my friends and you guys can figure out if they're good people?
One sec