Message from @Kartouche
Discord ID: 337417895103561729
I'd be interested
Me too
J'vais venir oué
Pfft most criminals have "mental health issues".
Bro Kessler obviously criminals have mental health issues what are you a bigot
Like woooah like , I can't even
Just saw this on The metro news
I'm a criminal for spreading hate-facts and I do have mental health issues but what doesn't kill me makes me less autistic
Was the sheboon saying that they shouldn't collect race based statistics?
Who knows they can barely speak the language, much less articulate. God id love to debate these people.. "Jazz is black". Not really, especially now, but by that logic you could say your mobile phone, pants, everything you see around apart from the sky is white. the fact your belly is full .. and that you're alive in North America is because of white people. Retarded logic but I wish we could counter them on the same terms instead of patting them on the head or agreeing with their Hollywood narrative.
il a dit ca lui ?
Interested for the powerlifting
THink big 'sti
sorry to break a 9 day silence with that
Its what happen when you set you select ORC and set your character appearance to random in Skyrim
Hahaha being a single mother 😅😅😂😂
At least she's trying to repair her error by bleaching the nigglet
I mean just fucking abandon it in a dumpster and pray you can trick some poor white guy into thinking you're not a coalburner
Angelina jolie will probably add to her trophy collection
Add this nigglet*
she deserves more than a gas chamber
maybe a nigger chamber
throw her in a room full of hungry monstruous somalian niggers
Stop posting your BLACKED fantasies. 😐
says le gars qui prend une identité arabe
It's a sarcastic meme.
Means Antichrist to Muslims.
ho, i see
But honestly, in a totalitarian reality where we could exercise are wrath as we wished, instead of feeding her to a pack of wild niggers we would be better served using her as a baby vessel.
Enseminate her with white seed, give her babies to proper white families and up our numbers.
Then once she dies of overuse you can grind her up for doggo food.
Hope you didn't cut yourself on that edge lol
what about not replicating her "i want to fuck outside my race" genes
if we just get rid of her we clean our gene pool