Message from @Albo-HAMMERBRO
Discord ID: 240191854543372298
but i don't even post on twitter much
Yes, it is an echo chamber
like, twice a week or so
i have more followers than tweets...
Twitter, though monitored, is still a better place to reach normies, troll, and get breaking news and info
I left under the principle (cue Vivaldi) that I want to dis-associate & dismpower SJWs
And what they crave is affirmation and validation
They die inside a little whenever someone demonstrates disinterest
Signing out, & back to work now. Got to keep these apartment buildings standing up.
alright, see you later
Hi Zeiger, logging in briefly (before I lose access to this computer & wifi) to confirm for tomorrow. I will be arriving at your place around 7 pm. Looking forward to meeting you, and who ever else is there. All the best!
alright, cool!
Good debate! Wish i coulda come, next time
trump speech at nyc dinner
based af
Hey guys I'm sorry I haven't been present much, I've been working odd jobs like a dog since I got laid off. How is everyone?
good, sorry to hear about your job loss
Loosing your job is white male privilege these days.
losing our culture and our country is also our privilege, man we are so lucky
I'm oozing privileges. Gotta love that easy mode life!
Yeah I just found out from someone I used to know who works in human resources at another company, because I've been applying at many other corporate jobs, that the companies they use to do "personality profiles" have labeled me as an "authoritarian; one who posses a threat to peace among other employees, the company and its customers". This is absolute madness. I've had to work menial jobs over the last 2 months to pay the bills. I'm fucking blacklisted from corporate Canada. I can't believe it. I did a little research and the (((Bilderberg conference))) of 2015 has focused on rebranding authoritarianism as a negative thing. I'm losing my fucking mind.
it sucks. we need to adapt. it was only a matter of time before all white males are basically barred from corporate jobs unless they're gay trannies anyway
we have to go in trades or have our own businesses anyway
It's extremely disheartening
it's the nature of the beast
I am personally affected now financially by the Jewish agenda
I've already had to deal with leaps and bounds of Jewish bullshit making it difficult to land quality women, and now the Jewish agenda is affecting me fnancially. I'm fucking livid right now
we have to convert our rage into a cold, focused hatred, and use that to motivate action.
if i were you, i'd downsize. lower you bills so you don't have to work 2 jobs anymore
freedom from toiling for the system is important
Yeah well... I've become accustomed to a certain lifesryle
that's how the jews get you. that's how they always got white men to go along with them
but then we get fucked over in the long term
working less hours is worth more, in terms of quality of life, than a thousand luxuries
Maybe I should write a piece about this horrible experience
post it on the bbs forum, at least
But I don't wanna seem like a whiner