Message from @LumpyAcidFish

Discord ID: 520089014233989131

2018-12-06 04:02:19 UTC  

it shouldnt be

2018-12-06 04:02:33 UTC  

why do we know that the mona lisa is better than a urinal that says faggot on it

2018-12-06 04:02:42 UTC  

why do we know the parthenon is better than some glass shitstain skyscraper

2018-12-06 04:02:52 UTC  

there are absolutes

2018-12-06 04:03:23 UTC  

You're not wrong, but progress really is a subjective word.

2018-12-06 04:03:27 UTC  


2018-12-06 04:03:43 UTC  

but you know what kind of progress im for though

2018-12-06 04:04:15 UTC  

No, I don't. No one knows anyones, unless they're hardcore ideologues that parrot someone else's work

2018-12-06 04:05:13 UTC  

It's a linear expression of moving from a beginning, to an end point

2018-12-06 04:05:19 UTC  


2018-12-06 04:05:23 UTC  

@Fitzydog would you consider advancements in science and technology to be progress?

2018-12-06 04:05:25 UTC  

well i described it up there in chat

2018-12-06 04:05:55 UTC  

Sure, but I can consider fast-forwarding a video to be "progress"

2018-12-06 04:06:46 UTC  

But I guess it can be defined as "Better or more, than what came before"

2018-12-06 04:07:12 UTC  

But then how do we define "Better"?

2018-12-06 04:07:18 UTC  

my whole world view

2018-12-06 04:07:31 UTC  

a society should be run that everyone has maximum amount of freedoms

2018-12-06 04:07:37 UTC  

except for the freedoms that infringe on other freedoms

2018-12-06 04:07:43 UTC  

so you start at shit like murder and stealing

2018-12-06 04:07:51 UTC  

and keep going down until everyone has max amount

2018-12-06 04:08:03 UTC  

historically free societies have always been the best thats why im mega constitutionalist

2018-12-06 04:08:16 UTC  

be a degenerate as long as it harms no one

2018-12-06 04:08:31 UTC  

I understand your point of view, and agree.

This isn't about that lol

2018-12-06 04:08:39 UTC  

well i think thats objectively good

2018-12-06 04:09:24 UTC  

so id say that defines better

2018-12-06 04:09:32 UTC  

to sum up: Anyone who uses the word "progress" is a sophist, and wants to take advantage of you

2018-12-06 04:09:38 UTC  


2018-12-06 04:09:46 UTC  

i guess your right in that regard

2018-12-06 04:10:04 UTC  

at the end of the progress just means moving forward for better or worse

2018-12-06 04:10:06 UTC  

but its progress

2018-12-06 04:10:42 UTC  

All of this makes my warning lights go off with Steven Pinker, and Brett Weinstein

2018-12-06 04:15:00 UTC  


2018-12-06 04:15:03 UTC  

brain damage makes you liberal

2018-12-06 04:15:20 UTC  


2018-12-06 04:22:00 UTC  

Did you lads really think it was over?

2018-12-06 04:22:33 UTC  

For fuck sakes

2018-12-06 04:22:41 UTC  

When is this shitshow going to end

2018-12-06 04:22:51 UTC  

Goddamn Bethesda is so incompetent

2018-12-06 04:43:27 UTC  

I'm totally with you on the Weinstein thing @Fitzydog
I think Bret is kinda weaselly, and seems to never say what he really believes, he keeps it vague enough to keep the conversation from going to a place he doesn't want it go.
I think he holds most of the beliefs of the people that attacked him, he just thinks those things are possible without the violence. He is ultimately a leftist ideologue, and so is his brother.

2018-12-06 04:51:15 UTC  

Hmm, perhaps