Message from @Fevs
Discord ID: 356167498137337856
No not really.
We got shit thrown at us.
Fevs might have been in it.
Oh you guys all were there together?
Me and 6 of our guys.
Fevs went with twp.
Ah. I went with vanguard and drw
Cool good guys
We stayed in the same cabin as david duke and mike enoch lol
It was awesome
Nice man.
Enoch is kind of a degenerate drunkard
He got trashed both nights to the point where he could barely wal
I have had some issues with high up the chain in trs. We can talk about that when we meet this is public.
If i get you vetted we can go to the private vetted channel
But yeah I feel ya.
>Enoch is a drunkard
Oh so you haven't met sacco
I saw them though I was in the shield wall
nah lol. I am reading his book though
Some retard on twitter just outed me as a "white supremacist" for being a member of my college campus' turning point USA
tfw I survived cville w out getting doxxed, a literal white nationalist event
but get outed as a "white supremacist" on twitter by some retard who thinks that TPUSA is the new hitler youth
the irony is palpable
I'm not familiar with that group.
Its just some normiecuck/moderate right tier college group
I joined it just to infiltrate and see if other goys were there last yr
I found two and we all just quit after we sniffed out the shitlords among us
So now there literally are no far right ppl in it
Just googled it. Seems pretty milktoast. Great point of infiltration goy. Those folks are on the brink.
Sounds like mission accomplished
Yea, it definitely was. Actually one of them is the person who was/is responsible for getting me in the movement and getting me to go to cville
I agree that these normie tier groups aren't safe from our goys though, lol
I mean, I know a lot of high up people in YAF and YAL who are shitlords
Some pretty openly
The funny part is that if I was doxxed for going to cville, she would have real ground to stand on and it would probably discredit my TPUSA chapter