Message from @BrydenProctor
Discord ID: 360972114007949313
Maybe man
Glad to be here. I want to go on hate hikes and shit muh nigga
I was in your server, you got me from the cville one lmao
Yeah I remember you
Wanna drive out for a hate hike tomorrow?
That's what I said to Odalman "Oh it's Fevs. I know him"
Ehhh maybe. what time? I have to record at 10 AM
We're shooting around noon and hiking later in the day at like 4
Maybe hiking, let's see how drunk I geton 3rd rail
Gotta listen to tomorrows episode fam gonna be lit, Me, spectre, rex and roscoe jones
Or is Spectre some famous guy I don't know
He's a twitter troll
He hosts 3rd rail
Ahh. There's a guy from cbus that uses that name in amerikaners
I don't think he's from around here
>start recording around 10am
>lets see how drunk I get
He's spectre jones on facebook
Dude whatevrer I got fired
Because of cville?
Last fucking week I was in Florida live streaming a hurricane get off my back
Oh god....Trump said "Melania really wnated to be with us" while standing right next to her
hahahahah....fuck, we elected an idiot
I am sure that's not what he meant but the clip is funny
Impeach now <:ree:358089558908338176>
Hillary is our girl
gang shit
Blacks seriously can't even help it
"Oh sheit I gotta lobsta shiet gang shiet"
He has quite a few videos like that.
I'm wondering if it's staged.
Probably, but it's something I support now unironically
I dig it
If you're going to be a nigger just be one in a funny way instead of the one where you rape white women
Dude when blacks realize that super chat on youtube live mobile is a thing, someone will die.
"yo yo yo yo yoo.....hunnit dollas an I go blap dis nigga. hunnit dolla in dat supa chat"
Oh lord
We need that now