Message from @Arcturus

Discord ID: 378392054880796672

2017-11-10 03:45:53 UTC  

I mean hell, many of these women are **effectively** sterile, yet men try going steady with them.

2017-11-10 03:46:01 UTC  

Would you jump out of joy, now you get to fuck without a rubber to your hearts content?

2017-11-10 03:46:14 UTC  

If people are voluntarily sterilizing themselves, I don't think it's too much of a punishment to normies

2017-11-10 03:46:49 UTC  

@Vice Commander Hunt Not wanting to have a kid this minute =/= Not ever wanting to have a kid

2017-11-10 03:47:04 UTC  

You probably didn't have a kid the first time you fucked, but you probably will at some point

2017-11-10 03:47:18 UTC  

You don't want to have a kid every time you're hard, am I crazy here?

2017-11-10 03:47:19 UTC  

No, because I'm not a woman who could have an effectively unlimited number of partners. A woman who is a whore and doesn't want to have kids wouldn't care immediately so it won't be as much of a deterrant

2017-11-10 03:48:39 UTC  

@John Mosby I'm being facetious, but you're just being obtuse. If I wasn't a christian, would the point I made suddenly become wrong? I think you're just using piety as a way to pretend like you're helping while never actually doing anything

2017-11-10 03:48:44 UTC  

@Arcturus If you're not so mindful of the quality it isn't unrealistic fucking almost every day, so why not get sterilized James?

2017-11-10 03:49:21 UTC  

Because I want to carry on my bloodline. Not all thots do.

2017-11-10 03:49:22 UTC  

@Vice Commander Hunt


Buddy, how long have u been in the Movement?

2017-11-10 03:49:47 UTC  

This book explains the issues of peace and warfare.

2017-11-10 03:50:06 UTC  

There is a vast difference in partaking in war, and promoting whoredom.

2017-11-10 03:50:21 UTC  

For most women having kids (at least now) seems to be an abstract thought a decade or two down the line. Some forego the idea altogether

2017-11-10 03:50:37 UTC  

Are we gonna treat a whore as the moral average of a white woman? Wouldn't you say men would have just as much sex without consequences if they could?

2017-11-10 03:50:51 UTC  

I never said they wouldn't

2017-11-10 03:51:28 UTC  

But men aren't the gatekeepers of sex. Women are, which is the half that matters

2017-11-10 03:51:33 UTC  

I would say I've only had that "Alright, now I don't want to fuck for a while" feeling like 3-4 times in my life.

2017-11-10 03:53:11 UTC  

@John Mosby define "the movement"
because """the movement""" in america hasn't done anything since Tommasi died and I doubt you're in your 70's. And you're still avoiding my questions

2017-11-10 03:54:27 UTC  

I'd like to derail for a minute in a friendly place. I'd just like to say fuck off to all the people who think that we need to be "More like the Jews." Fuck off. That is the opposite of what we want. Please excuse my interruption.

2017-11-10 03:54:56 UTC  


2017-11-10 03:55:13 UTC  

@Vice Commander Hunt

You never asked any questions that I haven't already answered. You are now just laying insults on a fellow TWP officer, to try and prove a nonexistent point.

How long have you been a pro-white activist?

2017-11-10 03:58:04 UTC  

@John Mosby How long have you not been one? If you're putting anything ahead of the white race, then you're an activist for that who happens to be pro-white when it's convenient to him

2017-11-10 03:58:20 UTC  

@Vice Commander Hunt As an aside, the scriptures say "Thou shall not murder." Killing your enemies is fine, as long as you show them mercy.

2017-11-10 03:59:34 UTC  

But clearly we have entered dick measuring contest levels of discussion so I will shut up now.

2017-11-10 03:59:41 UTC  

I know, as I said, I was being facetious

2017-11-10 04:00:17 UTC  

@Vice Commander Hunt

Strawman argument.

If being pro-white means throwing our Christianity, then do u.

I've been an activist for 12 years, and have been severely hurt and arrested numerous times for my beliefs. I do activism on a weekly basis...been doing it for over a decade.

2017-11-10 04:00:35 UTC  


"Love your personal enemies, hate the enemies of Christ, destroy the enemies of the fatherland." - St. Philaret of Moscow

2017-11-10 04:01:35 UTC  

Amen, brother.

2017-11-10 04:02:17 UTC  

This is a EH-Christian server, no blaspheming against Kalki and Christ thanks 😃

2017-11-10 04:05:35 UTC  

Kalki, "Destroyer of Filth" sounds woke af.

2017-11-10 04:06:31 UTC  

I am 100% ok with a Kalki-Christ alliance.

2017-11-10 04:08:52 UTC  

Can someone please add me back to the EH Discord? I just now came back to this app

2017-11-10 04:13:39 UTC  

Considering also your duty as a warrior you should not waver like this. Because there is nothing more auspicious for a warrior than a righteous war. (2.31)

Only the fortunate warriors, O Arjuna, get such an opportunity for an unsought war that is like an open door to heaven. (2.32)

If you will not fight this righteous war, then you will fail in your duty, lose your reputation, and incur sin. (2.33)

People will talk about your disgrace forever. To the honored, dishonor is worse than death. (2.34)

The great warriors will think that you have retreated from the battle out of fear. Those who have greatly esteemed you will lose respect for you. (2.35)

Your enemies will speak many unmentionable words and scorn your ability. What could be more painful to you than this? (2.36)

You will go to heaven if killed on the line of duty, or you will enjoy the kingdom on the earth if victorious. Therefore, get up with a determination to fight, O Arjuna. (2.37)

2017-11-10 04:13:54 UTC  

Gita passage on the duties of warrior. 🙏🏻 Good to have you back

2017-11-10 05:21:58 UTC  

This tranny is telling mad lies

2017-11-10 05:22:00 UTC

2017-11-10 09:25:15 UTC  

What's the update with Cantwell?

2017-11-10 09:56:59 UTC  


2017-11-10 09:57:05 UTC  

Love that term.

2017-11-10 10:09:51 UTC  

@Dr.Cocopuff | KY I heard that 2 of the 3 charges he had are dropped