Message from @Ulstèr-Scotch
Discord ID: 277312174479769600
Us Europeans, may you be German, or Polish
Are White
White is just a byword for fair-skinned people of European descent.
The Autism in the voice channel good fuck
Jesus chrsit
where is the line where people stop being european
Japan is shite
The line is
>Have a long lineage from Europe?
spain cucked an entire continent of indians out of existence
they did some real work
If you were born in fucking europe, and have a long lineage whom have lived in europe
you're european
they also couldn't keep their dicks in their pants unfortunately
imagine if britain had cucked africa like spain cucked south america
africa would be 10 IQ points higher
and full of light skinned negroes
kek actually true
Also, I hate when people say that only people with Blue/Green eyes are white
^ this sums it up
Eye colour doesn't mean shit
i had a 50/50 chance genetically to get green eyes
and failed
i volunteer for the gas chambers
no need to push me in
I have brown eyes like
But I'm white as fuck
Like, Casper the Ghost white
Yeah, the fact the spics are roughly 50% European is the only reason their countries aren't Africa-tier.
i dunno about that, the central americans did some interesting shit
prior to being buttfucked
they had large stone cities, division of labor, religious caste, roads, etc