Message from @JTThrasher (TWP-Lynchburg, Va.)

Discord ID: 366724758512992256

2017-10-08 23:05:57 UTC  

visionaries usually suck atexecution

2017-10-08 23:06:04 UTC  

he is learning

2017-10-08 23:06:06 UTC  

He can't think off the cuff

2017-10-08 23:06:11 UTC  

He's not a leader and he knows it, he never tries to be

2017-10-08 23:06:13 UTC  


2017-10-08 23:06:37 UTC  

He didn't try to be, the media just kind of thrust him into that role

2017-10-08 23:07:16 UTC  

I'm not anti-spencer, I just see his limitations and potential problems

2017-10-08 23:07:41 UTC  

Yeah as long as we recognise authority, who cares how the media portrays it? His personality pisses the media off like nobody else, and that kinda shit raises morale

2017-10-08 23:07:48 UTC  

I defended him and defended him up until Charlottesville

2017-10-08 23:07:59 UTC  

Charlottesville 2 you mean?

2017-10-08 23:08:06 UTC  

The big one

2017-10-08 23:08:20 UTC  

Yeah what did he do there?

2017-10-08 23:08:38 UTC  

he did peacefully resist and got maced

2017-10-08 23:08:40 UTC  

He had 0 to do with the planning or anything like that

2017-10-08 23:09:09 UTC  

I think he handled himself well on the ground

2017-10-08 23:10:00 UTC  

but afterward, during the free parade he drove by, congratulating everyone and shaking hands. He didn't want to shake mine and did so reluctantly while yelling at his driver to go. We kept them safe.

2017-10-08 23:10:35 UTC  

I took a staff to the head defending the rally

2017-10-08 23:11:14 UTC  

so forgive my reluctance to be his cheering squad

2017-10-08 23:12:20 UTC  

My tats probably made him feel dirty

2017-10-08 23:12:31 UTC  

Yeah I feel like tradworker was extremely underappreciated by IE/NPI there

2017-10-08 23:13:15 UTC  

I had to tell one of them off for trying to order two young guys around. Cesar made one ry

2017-10-08 23:13:21 UTC  


2017-10-08 23:13:58 UTC  


2017-10-08 23:14:14 UTC  

I think I heard Cesar say he was trying to get IE guys to hold the wall as well

2017-10-08 23:14:23 UTC  

But they all just stood there

2017-10-08 23:14:41 UTC  

They definitely look down on us

2017-10-08 23:15:19 UTC  

an exercise in futility. if they had joined us we would have cleared the streets. I am a small 46 yr old. These young, healthy men need to be in front.

2017-10-08 23:16:00 UTC  

I'm a tiny kid who just turned 18 and I was there holding in the shield wall.

2017-10-08 23:16:06 UTC  

They might get a stain on their white polo shirts

2017-10-08 23:16:13 UTC  

All those IE guys had no excuse lmao

2017-10-08 23:17:08 UTC  

@Fevs were you at the cabin?

2017-10-08 23:17:17 UTC  


2017-10-08 23:17:41 UTC  

I saw you there then. Generation Zyklon!

2017-10-08 23:18:04 UTC  

Hail Gen Z

2017-10-08 23:18:44 UTC  

There were a couple of you little bastards fighting hard

2017-10-08 23:19:11 UTC  

I'm looking to be there in Shelbyville also

2017-10-08 23:19:23 UTC  

I feel terrible that I couldn't go, I had just started a new job and couldn't take off

2017-10-08 23:19:39 UTC  

Dunno if I'll make that one. Finances are tight

2017-10-08 23:21:04 UTC  

Wife says I should go, but it would be irresponsible to other plans

2017-10-08 23:22:55 UTC  

If I don't I wish you all well.

2017-10-08 23:24:10 UTC  

Expense is another issue