Message from @asdfgasdfgasdfaoklk
Discord ID: 289709528654807040
What the fuck am I doing with my life?
Spent all of yesterday and today hunting that stupid flag
Worth it
Shia LeBlownthefuckout
meanwhile I am watching the North Korean equivalent of cops out of pure curiosity.
Yknow, i never got to go to summer camp
That is good
Easy to get your peener tickled by pedos
You forget, i went to catholic school, that was always going to happen
Speaking of Korea:
People are killing themselves in the streets.
I think the Shia Flag being knicked by an anon is a bigger deal.
Oh absolutely. It's a massive symbol for those of us in the west.
But on a side note South korea is flaring into a civil war Ukraine style and it will be baaaad.
Expect this to be important as the South Sea Crisis develops.
Good. The final happening is near
We had a trump elected.
Good happenings for at least 4 years.
I'd read into if you want.
Turns out South korea was controlled by 8 Psychic mass murdering cult leaders who used a Radical feminist organisation who believes males should be aborted as their foot soldiers.
I'm not sure which korea is crazier right this second.
Too fucking great was this night.
Redpill me on the sorkorea civil war? Did their public finish processing the ramifications of their dear leaders' occult leanings?
Yo dawg I heard you like civil wars so I put a civil war in your civil war so you can die while you die.
Worst Korea indeed.
fucking join chat
fuight clubed'
yeee anybudy
say no more fam
I forgot there is a militia on my phone
scooter milita men
4th reich when, im getting impatient
The EU is the 4th reich
Alt-Knight is my hero
Hey everyone. Not new to anticom, but new to the chat.