Message from @dd✳555
Discord ID: 300780939439505408
I was a red from 14-19
Maybe same. I mean, I know they were shit but I went to "oh yeah actual holocaust wouldn't have been bad" 18-19 once I saw them openly and brazenly shill not only amnesty but rewards for jewish communist murderers.
I went from bluepill fuck to extreme blackpill on JQ in an instant
Besides you know, Judeo Bolsheviks fucked my nation over in multitude of ways, but that somehow made it all click.
Even thinking about it makes me fucking angry every time.
And then they shilled for memorial plaques for jewish communist spies we deported to Gestapo who we had taken in as poor refugees, and they responded by stabbing us in the back. Buhh they victims of antisemitism too
Kikedeath is the only moral position.
Sorry about rant, kikes just do that to me.
I feel the same way man
Kikes are a parasite on every single society they interact with
And how they demand that we put some 102yo dishwasher of auschwitaz on trial while Israel is a safe haven for communist mass murderers and shower them with praise and rewards.
If you think about it rationally, we have tried to deport them like +100 times, maybe we're through with that.
Kikes are soulless, animated dirt. They are put on the earth to keep us from knowing any higher purpose. Stay entertained, focus on money and subscribe to cultural Marxism and they will win. I hate them on a cosmic level. I toured Auschwitz a few months ago, listening to Rahowa, "Third Reich" on my iPod, repeatedly, haha.It was fun because none of that shot happened. I'm an industrial engineer and no way the holohoax happened. German engineering wouldn't have allowed such idiotic and inefficient practice.
I hate them on some sort of spiritual plane level, since the judeo bolshevik Red Army and secret police killed my relatives it's pretty much my blood obligation to slay them.
Note to FBI: Not inciting any illegal action, just peaceful and humane deporation of jews to the sun 😉
For example
Deportation to the sun.
We have the technology.
Hey, I got it, we can get Elon Musk involved, doesn't matter if 19 out of 20 rockets explode.
I'll never hear this song the same way again. It will forever be an anthem to the cause.
Omelettes, eggs and all that.
@dd✳555 "Witness the man who raves at the wall"
Anyone have any non-jewish/degenerate shows or movies they can recommend
Are you looking for anti-Jew, or just without the Jewish influence?
Either or
The Greatest Story Never Told is a good flick 😉
"The Greatest Story Never Told" is on YouTube now.
Haha. I guess that answers that.
That movie and Hellstorm bring tears to my eyes every time.
I haven't seen. Hellstorm yet.
It's hard not to get lost in that corner of your mind that wishes things had come out differently.
@dd✳555 It's good. Heart breaking, but good. I think every man needs to watch it as it's a good example of why they need to grow a pair and protect our women.
What's hellstorm about?
The bombing of Dresden for the most part, but it also goes into the after math of the defeat and what happened to the innocent Germans after the war.