Message from @EnderOctanus

Discord ID: 547420986337787904

2019-02-19 14:09:28 UTC  

`"Some of you men are wondering whether or not you'll chicken out under fire. Don't worry about it. I can assure you that you'll all do your duty. War is a bloody business, a killing business. The Nazis are the enemy. Wade into them, spill their blood or they will spill yours. Shoot them in the guts. Rip open their belly.Β When shells are hitting all around you and you wipe the dirt from your face and you realize that it's not dirt, it's the blood and gut of what was once your best friend, you'll know what to do.

I don't want any messages saying 'I'm holding my position.' We're not holding a goddamned thing. We're advancing constantly and we're not interested in holding anything except the enemy's balls. We're going to hold him by his balls and we're going to kick him in the ass; twist his balls and kick the living shit out of him all the time. Our plan of operation is to advance and keep on advancing. We're going to go through the enemy like shit through a tinhorn."`

2019-02-19 14:10:32 UTC  

bois does anyone know if the new independent group mp's are going to have to resign as mp's? since I would assume they only have their positions because they where voted as labour?

2019-02-19 14:11:11 UTC  
2019-02-19 14:11:14 UTC  

Call your MP and ask.

2019-02-19 14:11:27 UTC  

I have no idea how to go about that honestly

2019-02-19 14:12:59 UTC  

`"Don't forget, you don't know I'm here at all. No word of that fact is to be mentioned in any letters. The world is not supposed to know what the hell they did with me. I'm not supposed to be commanding this army. I'm not even supposed to be in England.Β Let the first bastards to find out be the goddamned Germans. Some day, I want them to rise up on their piss-soaked hind legs and howl 'Ach!Β It's the goddamned Third Army and that son-of-a-bitch Patton again!'"`

The answer is no, they do not have to resign

2019-02-19 14:13:19 UTC  

that makes no sense tho

2019-02-19 14:13:35 UTC  

Your emtire country makes no goddamn sense.

They in theroy should face a by-election

2019-02-19 14:13:46 UTC  

our country is retarded atm

2019-02-19 14:13:55 UTC  

Always has been.

but unless their voters kick up a fuss

or their local Labour kick up a fuss

and show a good replacement

2019-02-19 14:14:42 UTC  

I hate that they are still going to be on the pay-roll even though they wherent voted for basically

which will probs be a Tankie Momentum Maoist

2019-02-19 14:15:06 UTC  

like chances are they got voted in because they where labour and not because of them

2019-02-19 14:15:15 UTC  

It fractures Labor though doesn't it?

2019-02-19 14:15:22 UTC  

its hurt them yeah

2019-02-19 14:15:33 UTC  

So, good.

2019-02-19 14:15:39 UTC  

apparently some torries might be leaving to join the new group too

2019-02-19 14:15:42 UTC  

so idk how thats gonna work

2019-02-19 14:15:52 UTC  

Also good.

I actually talk to my MP and don't vote because of colours, that's primary school, gangsta ghetto low energy

2019-02-19 14:16:18 UTC  

thats the right way to do it ^

that's how you end up with Communists

2019-02-19 14:16:25 UTC  

but most people just vote for the party

2019-02-19 14:16:58 UTC  

Most politicians follow the party

2019-02-19 14:17:08 UTC  

we know 7 that dont

if they tick box for the colour, I doubt they have peeled their lard asses, off their couch long enough to notice

2019-02-19 14:17:43 UTC  

shits fucked nobody cares whats happening around them

2019-02-19 14:18:13 UTC  

Then leave.

2019-02-19 14:18:32 UTC  

most countries are fucked tbh

2019-02-19 14:18:45 UTC  

like where could I go?

2019-02-19 14:18:52 UTC  

America is still fighting.

2019-02-19 14:18:57 UTC  


2019-02-19 14:19:15 UTC  

Half the country is more than barely.

2019-02-19 14:19:19 UTC  

couple of years and the education system will have turned everyone

2019-02-19 14:20:10 UTC  

The people don't trust the education systems anymore, or the media. They get more redpilled as time goes on.