Message from @逃げる JOKA BAY BEE
Discord ID: 647204655771811884
It's all in good fun
@Linus i dont care about him in either direction. i just think it's weird how ppl dig up these pics
i mean its all in good fun right
until you dig up something that the left can weaponize against milo, shapiro, etc.
seems like it just isnt worth the time to obsess like that anyway w.e
Okay, boomer
We're in a private server
You were literally the only one obsessing
everyone else just giggled a bit and moved on
doubt that the image originated from here
but i am going to hang my head in shame and walk away now
and drive away upsetta in my isetta
and recoil-pilled
I was WONDERING if that was him
tweet it's referring to
What weak ass meming
can someone brief me about the swisscheese onion burger memeage?
Same. I keep hearing it brought up, but 0 clue as to the origin
i think richard spencer gave an ode to the excellence of mushroom swiss cheeseburger
with grilled onions 😄
sort of baked brie v2.0
Hmmm odd thing to meme
i hate mushrooms
But i am a texture eater
are texture eaters white? 🤔
The whitest
My white privilege allows me to have enough food that I can afford to be picky
stretch is correct, spencer origin