Message from @Str3tch

Discord ID: 648208804160208920

2019-11-24 13:50:10 UTC  

So, I've watched a lot of videos from serpentza about China. For the most part he doesn't specifically talk much about ethnic nationalism but if you watch enough videos you start to get a bit of a feel for the general stance on ethic nationalism in China and it makes me not want to live in an ethno state.

2019-11-24 13:51:48 UTC  

Living in a country with limited or no immigration, fine. Living in a country that is a majority white, fine. But I wouldn't want to live with a bunch of degenerates obsessed about race.

2019-11-24 13:53:56 UTC  

The dude shares stories about things like a foreigner getting beat up for trying to stop a crime, because a foreigner is basically seen as worse than a criminal. The people in china would rather side with some degenerate thief who's chinese than a foreigner stopping a crime. If you don't want him in your country fine, kick him out. But don't turn a blind eye to degenerate criminals just because they are your own race.

2019-11-24 13:57:47 UTC  

change my mind? lol

2019-11-24 14:50:52 UTC  

@Str3tch Exactly, immigrants help the economy

2019-11-24 15:59:16 UTC  


2019-11-24 16:42:53 UTC  

@Boniface Different Races different ethics. But there may not be so much mind to change in the first place

2019-11-24 17:06:23 UTC  

I mean on paper I get it. Mass immigration and demographic replacement seems like shit. But every xenophobe I run into seems like a degenerate. Not like they are sexual deviants, more like they don't seem to have a firm grasp of reality and mastery of themselves. I wouldn't want to live in a country filled with these people.

2019-11-24 17:07:20 UTC  


2019-11-24 17:07:21 UTC  

They remind me of transgender activists who seem to think that gender is the most important thing in society and they think their obsession with gender is perfectly normal and healthy and society has to adapt to it.

2019-11-24 17:07:40 UTC  

where do you live?

2019-11-24 17:07:47 UTC  

Canada, why?

2019-11-24 17:08:18 UTC  

I mean xenophobe in a technical sense, someone who doesn't favour outsiders. I'm not trying to be sensationalist.

2019-11-24 17:08:50 UTC  

do you believe the freedoms afforded to you by laws that are enshrined will remain say if canada becomes, oh, i dunno, 40% muslim?

2019-11-24 17:09:02 UTC  

the usa is not going to last

2019-11-24 17:09:08 UTC  

because of immigration

2019-11-24 17:09:19 UTC  

the us constitution will be dissolved

2019-11-24 17:09:49 UTC  

maybe 100 years from now

2019-11-24 17:10:06 UTC  

I think the freedoms afforded to me by laws are already being stepped on by the government.

2019-11-24 17:10:16 UTC  

yes, and it will get worse

2019-11-24 17:10:22 UTC  

as diversity increases

2019-11-24 17:10:31 UTC  

so why "favour" outsiders?

2019-11-24 17:10:56 UTC  

your founding documents were made by people with certain genes

2019-11-24 17:11:03 UTC  

for a population of certain genes

2019-11-24 17:11:21 UTC  

An outsider doesn't need to be living in your country or having children.

2019-11-24 17:11:24 UTC  

there's no reason to have faith that other populations will respect or appreciate that way of ife

2019-11-24 17:12:03 UTC  

I think mass immigration is degenerate but when I see someone treating people like shit just because they are a different race that also seems degenerate. 🤷‍♂️

2019-11-24 17:12:22 UTC  

well, there's no reason to be rude and nasty to people..... 😄

2019-11-24 17:13:09 UTC  

it doesn't really help anything to get personal

2019-11-24 17:13:34 UTC  

Them not appreciating that way of life is dependent on the assumption that culture is heritable. Is there any proof for this?🤔Canadian identity can be reformed for it to be more inclusive of people of colour..

2019-11-24 17:13:40 UTC  

I work in an asian restaurant. I get along really well with the younger, more metropolitan asians. But the old school ones basically treat me like shit just because I'm white.

2019-11-24 17:13:43 UTC  

culture is heritable

2019-11-24 17:13:50 UTC  

culture comes from genes

2019-11-24 17:13:52 UTC  

And its like dude, you come to my country, and you are upset that I'm white?

2019-11-24 17:14:14 UTC  

culture does not magically develop in a vacuum

2019-11-24 17:14:17 UTC  

it comes from people

2019-11-24 17:14:20 UTC  

people are genes

2019-11-24 17:14:26 UTC  

I'm trying to give you a helping hand in your restaurant, I'm one of your best workers but all this degenerate can see if my skin color I think that's retarded.

2019-11-24 17:14:37 UTC  

it comes from genes, I agree. But so does language. And you wouldn't say that a black guy can't learn English? English having emerged from white genes

2019-11-24 17:15:13 UTC  

black people in america, some of them with roots that trace back 400 years, struggle mightily to speak proper english

2019-11-24 17:15:52 UTC  

i've seen teenage european basketball players come to play in the nba, speak better english than their middle-aged african american coaches