Message from @Arcturus
Discord ID: 349462111790825475
It was a gay doing the interview I told him homosexuality is an unhealthy life style
it is unhealthy it causes cancer
@RexLexus hey man heard about you getting doxxed everything ok with you bro
There is a pretty organized push, by conservatives to assert that NatSoc & facism is wholly leftist, or associated with Democrats. IE dsouzza's new book...and generally figures in the AltLite are doing this too. Who has published talking points to counter this?
DM me if you can suggest a book reading list for NatSoc & Fascism which is authentic and true.
That's as old as time, favorite talking point of the boomers, seriously no one under 35 embarrasses themselves by claiming that. It's often associated with retarded libertarian talking point of them being "most free" at one end, and the other end being "least free" with communists and nazis.
James Mason and GLR wrote a lot on how the right/left paradigm are system terms, and becoming more and more meaningless when speaking on. racial issues. have you read Siege? or GLR's this time the world?
The reasons they associate natsoc / fascism with the left is because they have a flawed understanding of left / right. They hear the word socialism and immediately think communism, or a welfare state similar to a social democrat government. They think that big government = left and small government = right because the US is kind of retarded politically relative to the rest of the world in terms of definitions.
I'm not really sure if it's worth arguing this to these people because these are all boomers or gen x'ers who have been indoctrinated with this shit for decades
And frankly, a lot of these people might not be that smart to begin with. These people listen to dinesh d'souza just because he's a brown guy saying basic conservative talking points
"Libertarianism and Marxism: The Twin Offspring of Liberalism" was a great article, but seems like TRS is down. For change.
I want to say I heard they set up a blog for old TRS articles or something, don't have a link to it though
Had a convo with Enoch lstnite. He himself said that he has grown to hate capitalism.
I don't see how any of us couldn't
TRS is slowly moving towards NS. Of course I keep advocating for it.
Mike Enoch, guy who started TRS
Though without jewish influence in an ethnostate it would probably be alright
TRS used to be entirely disgusting libertarian crap, at one point the actual fascists like Zeiger and others got the boot, good if they're improving still.
That must've been a while ago, since I started listening a year or year and a half ago it didn't necessarily seem libertarian
Me and fellow NS guys like HandBanana and CJ have them at least saying that NS is a good foothold into a muh future libertarian ethnostate. It's step one.
>libertarian ethnostate
Mike has been moving further and further right ever since pikevill.
It's like the more you go down the redpill rabbithole, the more you start to adore Hitler and everything NS. That was our last great resistance. That was the timeline changer.
How do you reconcile following entirely jewish ideology of libertarianism with pro whiteness?
will we get recreational nukes?
I don't know if it's entirely Jewish as America started out pretty libertarian
They are in the stages of denial, full NS is enevitable in my mind.
Us Americans just have more of a sense of desire for freedom than perhaps you europeans
all roads lead to ethno nationalism 😄
Libertarian "fascists" are misguided souls who think NS is somehow against a free market. Hitler liked the market. But everyone had to serve the nation or they were crushed.
Think about libertarian thinkers, almost 99,99% jewish. Even HHH is married to a turkish woman.
I didn't say they weren't, just that the desire for freedom (which is pretty much libertarianism, the ideology is just more fleshed out) was around prior to Jews really getting here
eurozoners just dont wan tthe state to fuck with their persona 5 saves and mudslimes cutting in line and stelaing the last coronetto
People like Cantwell for instance, built their entire identity on lolbergtarianism. Once they get redpilled, they can't let it go and can't realize how Jewish capitalism is. It's cognitive dissonance.
It would be beneficial to the jews if the whites didn't organize but instead viewed all authority as evil like rebellious children.
Libertarianism is a fucking cancer. It allows degenerates freedoms that would be outlawed in an NS society.