Message from @Boniface

Discord ID: 655548907144740874

2019-12-14 16:44:20 UTC  

be a one man island

2019-12-14 16:44:29 UTC  

but you live in the middle of the soviet union

2019-12-14 16:44:36 UTC  

you're on your own man

2019-12-14 16:45:11 UTC  

You're tresspassing on the government's territory

2019-12-14 16:45:29 UTC  

its their land, you better gtfo and do it on your own if you are a one man island

2019-12-14 16:45:56 UTC  

if as a single individual you don't have the power to conquer and secure land well tough shit

2019-12-14 16:46:08 UTC  

Yes this is the end of both extremes in reality.

2019-12-14 16:46:13 UTC  

because both end here

2019-12-14 16:46:53 UTC  

but the truth is "anarcho capitalism" is never and will never be the road taken.

2019-12-14 16:47:19 UTC  

it's just completely antithetical to human beings.

2019-12-14 16:47:39 UTC  

not in the way anarcho capitalists hope it will be taken

2019-12-14 16:47:48 UTC  


2019-12-14 16:47:54 UTC  

never as it is

2019-12-14 16:47:58 UTC  

thus it is not

2019-12-14 21:32:48 UTC  

I just thought of something.

2019-12-14 21:33:00 UTC  

I wonder if the human brain does any form of quantum computing

2019-12-14 21:33:42 UTC  

since it has evolved over hundreds of millions of years, with the laws of quantum physics being there the whole time

2019-12-14 21:34:10 UTC  

I wonder if there are some quantum shennanigans that out brains take advantage of

2019-12-14 23:14:04 UTC  

the brain is an analogue computer, it operates on differences in potential.

2019-12-14 23:14:38 UTC  
2019-12-14 23:17:18 UTC  

Sure but from the little but of neurology I know I think there is still quite a bit we don't understand. Obviously quantum computing wouldn't be the only thing going on in the brain but can we absolutely rule out some sort of quantum phenomenon getting involved in human cognition?

2019-12-14 23:18:20 UTC  

well, it's probabalistic and not deterministic, so it can be considered *quantum*

2019-12-14 23:19:00 UTC  

consider each neuron to be a simple core with a small cache

2019-12-14 23:20:35 UTC  

it's unknown wether there is an upper limit to the number of states, one would presume at minimum, there would be three (high, low, median, in terms of voltage or *potential*)

2019-12-14 23:21:04 UTC  

these can be seen as analogous to yes, no and maybe

2019-12-14 23:22:15 UTC  

but seeing as the whole brain is very plastic, I see no reason to assume that only 3 states would arise. It's also possible different areas use different numbers of states

2019-12-14 23:23:48 UTC  

it is unclear as to how much signal processing happens in either the axons or the neurons

2019-12-14 23:26:20 UTC  

I mean, the way I look at it, our body has been "using" chemical processes long before we understood it.

2019-12-14 23:26:59 UTC  

So it makes me wonder if our body still uses some stuff we haven't discovered yet.

2019-12-14 23:27:21 UTC  

Like some laws of physics are still being used in ways we haven't understood yet. You know what I mean?

2019-12-14 23:28:09 UTC  

yes, I find the distinction between probabalistic and deterministic systems to very helpful

2019-12-14 23:28:13 UTC  

Maybe our understanding of our brain will get kicked up a notch if we make some major advancements in physics some day

2019-12-14 23:28:32 UTC  

probably not but maybe

2019-12-14 23:28:33 UTC  


2019-12-14 23:28:40 UTC  

would be interesting

2019-12-14 23:28:45 UTC  

that I'm unsure of, because of the probabalistic nature of it

2019-12-14 23:29:38 UTC  

all quantum mechanics really says is that you can never really be sure

2019-12-14 23:30:33 UTC  

but the transistor shows that it is useful

2019-12-14 23:31:14 UTC  

I mean, the human brain would likely not be a good place to host a quantum computer as we understand them currently

2019-12-14 23:31:38 UTC  

but if humans can use them for certain calculations maybe the brain can to a certain extent?

2019-12-14 23:31:48 UTC  

given enough millions of years of evolution?