Message from @esotericpazuzuism
Discord ID: 634560179656196101
that take you sweat to make
clownbucks by no merit of their own
just random gambling on the stock market and manipulation and game rule breaking
pretty much
the clownbucks work, because everyone who is being ripped off thinks they're somehow better off that way than tearing it down
that they would lose too much
that won't always be to the case, but by the time it no longer is, what else will we have lost?
What happened to Vanessa?
Vanessa Cross
i invited vanessa cross back
or waiting on a friend request
She was kicked?
200 people were kicked
and the entire server history erased
AL and I were friends with her. But I don’t think bringing her back is best.
Let her go.
What's wrong with Vanessa?
you don't think bringing you, al, and her back are good?
I meant bring her back, I corrected it.
we'll see i guess
@Deleted User she is too neurotic.
She hasn’t figured out what she believes. She’s going down the rabbit hole. Maybe, she can come back one day.
start over to do what?
a new life
@troglodytes it’s Thomas Hobbes.
is that boogie or mundane matt
Just Do It
Americanmutt much
@Hector does algo not want her back either?