Message from @Alt Knight
Discord ID: 634807901017473034
Miloš Šarčev
oh deer
ngl he lookin kinda thicc doe
right they put on browning cream and oils for the contests
strange habit, but the bulges pop more or sth
looks like shit
look at the total asymmetry
the two in front are aryan
"no time for squats"-squad
shoot some bison, earn some land
golden age
opn on kosovo vs albania genetically @Pine Gang 🌲
now no matter what you shoot - you get nothing
Testosterone vapers unite
its so wierd when someones skin is darker than their hair
nobody wants to look like that though
@ALternativeToLife Albanians are Persian mutts brought over by the Turks who are worse than the Zergs now they're fleeing to Germany and Sweden because they've let their "country" to be run by Mafia also Varg had a good video on them as well
also these freaks can't move for shit
that's funny
they usually look fine
it's not real power, it's for aesthetics, clearly
they just cut like crazy for competetions