Message from @Alt Knight
Discord ID: 634820012544098304
then my daddio is english, scottish and irish, so celtic plus some angloid (oof moment)
it's actually a good test
sociology done well
and then what? online dating?
INTP gang
Al is a beauty wym
my results are about 90% accurate to how i would honestly view myself
10/10 would make a good trap
intj and infj are actually a big difference if you look into cognitive functions
hitler was my personality type <:CHAD:396569198404435969>
I am American. Ancestry from the best parts of Spain, Galecia and Catalonia. Catalonia master race. But my mom's name is Norman French apparently. She is probably French and Spanish. My dad is just Swedish American. He is tronder phenotype which is chad.
so ur like
frenchie iberian nord
lmao baste
My spaniard ancestor looked french
I have a northern italian ancestor who was robust and blond apparently
the french look spanish
The french ARE spanish tbh
French and Spanish are related, both the same med broskis
southern france kinda
@Alt Knight 100% introverted? <:oof:399031884312739841>
i answer in absolutes
thats why
I think I come from a noble family. A long of the names do not add up. In the US, I have many accomplished family members.
French are Gaullic