Message from @jatt
Discord ID: 636438106211483680 Porsalin is top tier if you aren't aware of him. Long videos though
can't wait for owen's 2.0 doc
I just thought Owen was a moron until I saw that doc
Hello frens
Oh nice im no longer blacked
Lifes good frens
it gets better after watching a porsalin doc
that's WHO approved
I think ive seen that one
Baked Alaska one was so good
see Baked gets the pass sargon doesn't imo. Baked is just to damn stupid to blame for his idiocy.
But honestly i still like sargon
and yes that was probably my favorite thus far.
Cus he redpilled me by debating Richard Spencer and losing hard
love thy enemy.....BASED
@Eternal Entropy are u slav?
To you I am nobody
Yes exactly
Either youre a slav or youre gay
show squat or gtfo
Do people actually squat incorrectly unironically
Or can they just not do it
@Eternal Entropy So another pagan larping inner christ cuck?
Manipulated by jews to make enemies of the world & isolating himself huh.
Look jatt the discord alpha. I'm not interested in your low IQ takes.
Slav coping
I'm literally not slav. Can't put my heels on the ground when I squat. Why even live?
I can slav squat from years of sports
chinese also squat
Mexicans squat a lot too
even just waiting for the subway on the platform you often see people squatting
hahaha I like that one